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10 Things Happy Couples Never Do

Happy couples know that a healthy and satisfying marriage requires constant effort and commitment. They also avoid certain behaviors that can undermine their relationship and happiness. Here are 10 things happy couples never do, and how you can avoid them too.

1. They never criticize each other in public

Happy couples respect each other’s dignity and self-esteem, and they never humiliate or belittle each other in front of others. They know that criticism can damage their partner’s confidence and hurt their feelings, and they choose to express their concerns or disagreements in a constructive and respectful way.

10 Things Happy Couples Never Do

2. They never take each other for granted

Happy couples appreciate each other’s presence and contributions, and they never assume that their partner will always be there for them. They express their gratitude and affection regularly, and they show their partner that they value and cherish them.

3. They never stop communicating

Happy couples communicate openly and honestly, and they never shut down or withdraw from each other. They share their thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires, and they listen attentively and empathetically to their partner. They also use nonverbal communication, such as eye contact, touch, and gestures, to convey their messages and emotions.

4. They never avoid conflict

Happy couples understand that conflict is inevitable and healthy in any relationship, and they never ignore or suppress their issues. They face their problems head-on, and they work together to find solutions that are mutually beneficial and satisfying. They also respect each other’s opinions and perspectives, and they avoid blaming or attacking each other.

5. They never lie or cheat

Happy couples trust and respect each other, and they never betray or deceive their partner. They are honest and faithful, and they honor their vows and commitments. They also respect their partner’s boundaries and privacy, and they do not snoop or spy on them.

6. They never stop having fun

Happy couples enjoy each other’s company, and they never lose their sense of humor and adventure. They have fun and laugh together, and they try new things and explore new places. They also share their hobbies and interests, and they support each other’s passions and goals.

7. They never neglect their intimacy

Happy couples maintain a strong and satisfying physical and emotional connection, and they never let their intimacy fade away. They are affectionate and romantic, and they express their love and desire through words and actions. They also prioritize their sex life, and they keep it exciting and fulfilling.

8. They never compare their relationship to others

Happy couples are confident and secure in their relationship, and they never measure their happiness or success by others’ standards. They focus on their own strengths and achievements, and they celebrate their milestones and accomplishments. They also respect and admire other couples, but they do not envy or copy them.

9. They never give up on each other

Happy couples are committed and loyal, and they never abandon or forsake their partner. They stand by each other through thick and thin, and they support and comfort each other in times of need. They also forgive and heal each other, and they learn from their mistakes and grow together.

10. They never stop working on their relationship

Happy couples know that a happy marriage is not a destination, but a journey, and they never stop investing in their relationship. They constantly strive to improve themselves and their partnership, and they seek feedback and guidance from each other and others. They also seek professional help when needed, and they do not hesitate to attend counseling or therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: What are some signs of a happy couple?

Answer: Some signs of a happy couple are:

  • They smile and laugh a lot
  • They compliment and praise each other
  • They hold hands and cuddle
  • They say “I love you” and “thank you” often
  • They have a healthy and active sex life
  • They spend quality time together
  • They have common goals and values
  • They respect and trust each other
  • They communicate well and resolve conflicts
  • They support and encourage each other

Question: How can I make my partner happy?

Answer: Some ways to make your partner happy are:

  • Be attentive and responsive to their needs and wants
  • Be supportive and understanding of their feelings and opinions
  • Be respectful and appreciative of their efforts and contributions
  • Be affectionate and romantic with your words and actions
  • Be honest and faithful with your intentions and actions
  • Be playful and adventurous with your activities and experiences
  • Be generous and thoughtful with your gifts and gestures
  • Be flexible and compromising with your plans and decisions
  • Be loyal and committed with your vows and promises
  • Be yourself and accept them as they are

Question: How can I keep my relationship happy?

Answer: Some ways to keep your relationship happy are:

  • Communicate openly and honestly with each other
  • Resolve conflicts constructively and respectfully
  • Express gratitude and appreciation regularly
  • Show affection and intimacy frequently
  • Have fun and laugh together often
  • Try new things and explore new places together
  • Share your hobbies and interests with each other
  • Support each other’s passions and goals
  • Celebrate your milestones and achievements together
  • Work on your personal and professional growth together


In conclusion, happy couples never do certain things that can harm their relationship and happiness. They avoid criticizing, taking for granted, stopping communicating, avoiding conflict, lying, cheating, stopping having fun, neglecting intimacy, comparing, giving up, and stopping working on their relationship. Instead, they do things that can enhance their relationship and happiness, such as respecting, appreciating, communicating, resolving, trusting, enjoying, connecting, focusing, committing, and improving their relationship. By following these tips, you can also have a happy and lasting marriage.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Please consult a licensed marriage counselor or therapist if you need help with your relationship.