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50 Tips for How to Manage Time Chaos

What does time management have to do with setting goals?


Achieving goals involves identifying activities and completing a series of related tasks. Planning time allows you to complete tasks and accomplish goals.

50 Tips for How to Manage Time Chaos

50 Tips for How to Manage Time Chaos

And remember to always… Clear your desk. Clear your mind. Organize it

Tip #1 Identify both short and long-term goals.

Tip #2 Short term goals can generally be accomplished within six months to a year.

Tip #3 Long-term goals can generally be accomplished in a one to five-year timeframe.

Tip #4 To gauge your progress, make the goals quantifiable.

Tip #5 Estimate timeframes or deadlines in which to accomplish your goals. Check them regularly.

Tip #6 Commit your goals to paper. Goals not written down are just dreams.

Tip # 7 Begin identifying the tasks required for accomplishing your goals.

Tip #8 Begin sorting tasks into similar groups (phone calls, errands, etc.) This helps you process.

Tip #9 Use only one calendar. Use only one calendar. Use only one calendar.

Tip #10 One of the most important stages of time management is the planning stage. Skipping it wastes time.

Tip #11 Remember to do tasks that are important to accomplish your goal and not just ‘busy work’.

Tip #12 Was the task given to you by someone else such as a supervisor or for someone else such as a relative? If so, it may be necessary to include it in your list as a priority.

Tip #13 Weigh decisions about prioritizing but don’t spend a lot of time on those that aren’t important or don’t move the task forward towards your goals and objectives.

Tip #14 If the task doesn’t have a deadline, assign one to it.

Tip #15 Place your most important tasks at the time of day you feel most productive. Your body’s circadian rhythms impact your energy level.

Tip #16 Everything becomes a priority when there is something we don’t want to do.

Tip #17 Remember the 3D’s…Delaying Decisions is Deadly.

Tip #18 Create blocks of time to work uninterrupted. I call it ‘focus’ time. It is more effective than jumping from project to project.

Tip #19 Focus on the task at hand. Do it NOW!

Tip #20 Use timers to create artificial pressure.

Tip #21 If you are a perfectionist, ask yourself the importance of the decision in the realm of your entire life.

Tip #22 If you are an overachiever, learn to delegate.

Tip #23 Use computer shortcuts, such as macros and templates, to accomplish routine things faster.

Tip #24 If someone else can do it quicker, better, or less expensively, give it to him/her. Your time is more valuable.

Tip #25 Take time to program ‘auto’ features on your electronic equipment such as faxes and telephones.

Tip #26 Put things you use most often within hands reach.

Tip #27 Store similar supplies together. This saves time and helps with inventory control.

Tip #28 Arrange your office space so there is a flow to it. For example, things that always go out of the office with you can be stored closest to the door.

Tip #29 Place items at their most convenient spot and always return them to that spot when finished.

Tip #30 Put reading material by the door so you can grab it as you go out to catch a train or plane.

Tip #31 Label and use files. Piling is not efficient.

Tip #32 Make calendar appointments with yourself. This works. Really.

Tip #33 Run errands by doing all errands on one side of the street and doing the rest on the way back.

Tip #34 Allow some leeway in predicting how long errands will take. The rule is to multiply by two or four times the average. For example, if you anticipate something will take 15 minutes, give it a half-hour or twice as long as you thought. It helps reduce stress.

Tip #35 Learn to handle interruptions. They are a big priority buster.

Tip #36 Learn to say ‘no’…nicely. Over-commitment is another big priority buster.

Tip #37 Take tasks to completion. Unfinished work drains energy.

Tip #38 Take the last 10 minutes of each day to clean your desktop or office space. Starting each day with an uncluttered workspace is a plus.

Tip #39 Listen to audiotapes of professional periodicals, books, or executive summaries.

Tip #40 Take a speed-reading course.

Tip #41 Associate with time-conscious people who respect your time.

Tip #42 Be proactive. Do tasks before they really need to be done. It frees up your mind and your calendar.

Tip #43 Be conscious of your patterns. What works? What doesn’t? Refine your systems accordingly.

Tip #44 If you are feeling overwhelmed, break down bigger tasks into smaller ones. We all achieve things one day at a time.

Tip #45 Anticipate on-going tasks and create a time routine around them.

Tip #46 Create master lists for recurring items.

Tip #47 Spend the first 15 minutes of each day reviewing and planning the remainder of your day.

Tip #48 Think of things you can do in less than 2 minutes and do them. It’s not necessary to add them to your ‘to do’ list.

Tip #49 Keep a time log. Write down how you spend your time during one week or one month. It’s both surprising and informative.

Tip #50 The time you save by using the tips in this book enables you to do more of the things you want to do and not just the things you need to do.

Remember… No matter how many things you must do, there are still only 24 hours in a day. It’s how we use them that makes a difference!