- The book explains how to use intuitive reading, a method that combines a detailed report and a symbolic painting, to identify and heal the root causes of physical, emotional, and spiritual issues.
- The book teaches readers how to access their own intuition and spiritual guidance using tools and exercises such as meditation, journaling, dialogue prompts, mantras, affirmations, and visualization.
- The book provides a comprehensive glossary of specific conditions along with tailored treatment suggestions that include supplements, diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, therapy, alternative healing modalities, and spiritual practices.
Heal From Within (2022) is a guidebook to self-healing. While traditional medicine tends to focus on symptoms, Beecher argues that we should be paying attention to the cause of an illness. Her healing strategies are based on personal experience, as well as her professional career as a counselor and medical intuitive.
Table of Contents
- Who is it for?
- Many physical health issues have emotional causes.
- We can get a better understanding of our health issues by tapping into the power of intuition.
- You can use chakras to heal yourself.
- Use the 7th chakra to work through issues affecting your overall physical or emotional health.
- Use the 3rd chakra to understand the connection between past stress and present health problems.
- Use the 1st chakra to return to your roots, and deal with any dysfunctional family relationships.
- Final Summary
- About the author
- Genres
- Table of Contents
- Review
Who is it for?
- People who want to heal from any kind of health issue
- Empaths and highly sensitive people
- Anyone who’s interested in learning more about chakras
Many physical health issues have emotional causes.
My name is Ines, and in these summaries, you’ll learn how to strengthen your intuition, what our Chakras have to do with our physical and emotional health, and the surprising benefits of a spiritual crisis. Just to be clear, we want to represent the content of the book faithfully and provide supplementary information, but if you have serious symptoms or conditions – please still see a doctor.
Alright. So. Let’s start with a real-life example of how our bodies can be affected by emotional issues.
In 2007, Katie Beecher – who wrote this book – was seriously stressed out. She was working hard, dealing with family problems, and feeling more and more anxious. It got to the point where she couldn’t even express herself creatively – which was a pretty big problem, considering she was working as a watercolor artist. But she did her best to suppress her feelings and carry on…
…until it got to the point where she just couldn’t anymore. All of a sudden, she began suffering from intense, debilitating abdominal pain. Her doctors did countless scans and medical exams, but they weren’t able to discover what was causing it.
Then, finally, her gynecologist spotted something – some kind of abnormality in Beecher’s uterus. They scheduled a hysterectomy.
Beecher and her gynecologist were both shocked/amazed by what they found. The surgery revealed that Beecher’s left fallopian tube and ovary were wrapped around her uterus.
How did that happen?
Beecher has come up with her own interpretation. In addition to being an artist, she’s also a licensed counselor and medical intuitive. She believes that the health conditions we experience often have emotional causes and symbolic significance.
In this case, intense stress and a creative drought coincided with her gynecological problems. And that’s no coincidence – the uterus is a source for all human life. Beecher’s emotional and creative struggles manifested themselves there, in the form of physical health problems.
In her personal life and in her career as a counselor, Beecher has witnessed many similar examples. People who’ve gone through stressful or traumatic experiences often end up suffering from a whole range of health conditions – from migraines …. to Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
To a certain extent, Western Medicine can provide answers and healing for these conditions.
But for some patients, particularly in the United States, going to the doctor can be a frustrating experience: Appointments are often brief, and a patient is given a “quick fix” … like a prescription that may not even resolve the problem.
The doctor is so focused on the patient’s symptoms that they neglect the root. What’s the cause of the illness? That’s what we really need to know in order to heal.
When physical health problems are rooted in emotional issues, they can’t necessarily be cured by the current approach.
But that doesn’t mean they can’t be cured. Far from it. In fact, we can actually heal ourselves, and make full recoveries…. even from serious conditions.
And healing starts from within.
We can get a better understanding of our health issues by tapping into the power of intuition.
Before we get into the details of self-healing, it’s time for a quick introduction to an important figure in Beecher’s life – Carl Jung. Jung was one of the most influential psychologists and psychiatrists of the 20th century. He is best known for his ideas about the unconscious mind.
Beecher first encountered Jung’s ideas many years ago, when she was in therapy for an eating disorder. Her therapist was trained in Jungian psychology.
One of Jung’s theories is that we already possess the solutions to our problems. The answers are within us, and we can access them through the power of intuition.
This is an idea that really spoke to Beecher. Jung’s idea of intuition as the “God within” became something to live by. When we listen to our intuition, we can discover so much about our health. That means we need to treat physical symptoms as signals – messages that something needs our attention.
It’s not always easy to get in touch with our intuition, especially for those of us who grew up in a culture where it wasn’t understood or valued. But with a little practice, anyone can connect with their intuition.
And there’s a useful technique to do it: written dialogue. Here’s how it works.
First, you clear your head with a short walk or meditation. Then, write down a question, and imagine it being directed to your intuition.
Listen, and write down what you hear. Keep in mind that the answer may not be verbal – it might take the form of an emotion or a physical sensation.
Next, write a short response. Then listen again. You can continue to have a conversation with your intuition in this way, and repeat the exercise as often as you like. And if it feels hard, or uncomfortable, know that it gets easier with practice, as your intuition gets stronger and stronger.
There are also other ways to develop this capability, like painting or dream interpretation. Just have a go and see what seems to click for you.
Many of us need to reframe how we think about intuition. It’s a bit like your inner pet who loves you without judgment … or a loving, supportive parent.
Your intuition wants the best for you. And it’s the key to healing.
You can use chakras to heal yourself.
Okay. So…so far we’ve learned that physical health problems often have emotional causes, and that intuition can be used for alternative methods for healing.
But that still leaves us with the big question – how? How can we use intuition to heal ourselves?
According to Beecher, it’s all about chakras.
The concept of chakras has been used in Eastern religions for centuries. Essentially, chakras are points where the physical and spiritual body connect. There are seven in total, aligned vertically from the spine to the head.
When Beecher starts working with a new client, she begins with a chakra interpretation, in order to understand what issues need to be addressed.
Each chakra corresponds with a part of the body and specific issues. For the sake of time, we’ll focus on the 7th, or crown chakra on the top of your head, the 3rd chakra, found in the gut, and the 1st chakra, which is also known as the root chakra and located at the bottom of your spine.
And these three examples do provide a good understanding of how Chakras correspond with emotional and physical symptoms, and how we can use that knowledge to heal ourselves…but of course, they don’t cover everything.
Many things – from asthma to thyroid issues, headaches, or even trauma – these are all associated with other chakras. If you want to find out more, or are curious about a particular ailment – you can look into how the emotional or physical things you’re experiencing align with the specific chakras.
Once you’ve tapped into your intuition and got to grips with the chakras, you’re set up for a lifetime of self-healing.
Use the 7th chakra to work through issues affecting your overall physical or emotional health.
Breakdown or breakthrough? For Carl Jung, it was both. In 1913, he was under immense stress both personally and professionally. He began to hear voices, and suffer from disturbing visions, like Europe flooded in blood.
This might sound like a mental breakdown. But Jung didn’t see it that way. He listened to his intuition and worked with his thoughts, writing everything down during waking trances.
The result was a book, entitled The Red Book. Although it wasn’t published until 2009, Jung’s ideas have been hugely influential, shaping the world of psychology and self-help.
And while Jung didn’t live to see the book’s impact, just the experience of writing it was cathartic. It allowed him to regain control of his life, and access important spiritual knowledge.
Many scholars believe that Jung’s visions of a bloodsoaked Europe were a premonition for the violence that began a year later, with the First World War.
Jung’s experience was intense, but it wasn’t that unusual. Many people go through a kind of spiritual crisis at some point in their lives. And…that doesn’t necessarily mean apocalyptic visions, by the way. Feeling overwhelmed or intensely anxious are typical symptoms of a period of spiritual crisis.
If any of this sounds familiar, you should focus on the 7th chakra – the one at the top of the head.
This chakra is kind of like the “big picture.” When Beecher works with clients, she uses the 7th chakra to get an overview of someone’s physical, emotional and mental health.
Jung’s story is just one example of a 7th chakra issue. As well as spiritual or emotional problems, this chakra is also associated with chronic illness, fatigue, and health problems affecting the whole body. Symbolically, the 7th chakra is linked to the head, but it also emphasizes the connectedness of the entire body.
If you find yourself struggling with any 7th chakra issues, whether they’re physical, mental or emotional in nature, here’s what to do.
First, consider getting support from an open-minded professional who will help you to find the root cause of your problem. You might try mindfulness practices, Kundalini yoga or meditation to reconnect with yourself.
You could also keep a journal, try art therapy, or pay extra attention to your dreams to understand what’s truly important to you.
And above all, trust yourself and listen to your intuition. That’s what Jung did, with great courage. And you can do the same.
Use the 3rd chakra to understand the connection between past stress and present health problems.
The 3rd chakra can also provide valuable insight into our emotional issues.
This chakra is all about the gut – a particularly sensitive part of the body. The gut is sometimes called “the second brain” because there’s so much going on there.
It’s where many of our emotions are picked up, processed, and even created. Gut bacteria make neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which influence our mood.
Then consider the fact that there are about five hundred million neurons in your gut, which are directly connected to your brain through the nervous system. There are literally millions of connections between your physical and emotional health.
So if you have symptoms in the 3rd chakra such as bowel issues, weight problems or an eating disorder, you need to find out what’s going on. What’s the root cause?
Interestingly, Beecher has noticed that 3rd chakra symptoms are some of the most common issues for her clients. And there’s a pattern – the majority of these people have had difficult childhoods, or experienced some kind of trauma.
Traumatic past experiences can have a major impact on our health. The psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk has written about this in his book The Body Keeps the Score. He makes a convincing case: our bodies remember past stress and trauma, and express physical symptoms years after the event.
3rd chakra symptoms are a clear message from your body. You need to take care of yourself physically and emotionally in order to heal.
For example, you can address weight issues by eating healthily and intuitively. Or if you’re concerned about your gut health, try balancing your bacteria with probiotics, and drink plenty of water.
But whatever your symptoms, make sure you find ways to release stress – and address the emotional side of what you’ve experienced. Because if you don’t…you can be sure that your body will hang on to it.
Use the 1st chakra to return to your roots, and deal with any dysfunctional family relationships.
One more chakra remains. It’s time to look at the 1st chakra, located at the base of the spine.
As you may remember, this is also known as the “root chakra,” which means…yes, you guessed it. It’s all about our roots – our home and family.
If you’re experiencing issues in this chakra, resolving them should be a priority.
Think of it this way. If you don’t have basics like food or shelter, you’ll be so stressed out that it’s basically impossible to think of anything else.
And it’s the same with root chakra emotional issues. Until you deal with them…you’re unlikely to have the energy to heal in other areas, or contemplate things like spiritual growth or life purpose.
So as part of your healing, make sure you consider the 1st chakra very carefully. Common physical symptoms that come up with this chakra include skin sensitivity and autoimmune disorders. Emotional concerns, on the other hand, often involve dysfunctional family relationships.
No matter what’s in your past – your family is part of your roots. Your upbringing and your family relationships can impact various aspects of your health. Something to consider as well, is that family dysfunction can cross generations, and may even alter DNA through epigenetics.
That means that potentially, a trauma experienced by your grandparent, might still influence your behavior or emotional experience.
But there are different solutions, depending on your relationship to your family and past. It might help to set healthy boundaries with difficult family members, or remove yourself from their negative energy. And you should absolutely make your mental health a priority, and get help if necessary.
That could be in the form of therapy, or support groups like Adult Children of Alcoholics.
Once you’ve found ways to deal with these issues, it will become easier to heal in other areas too.
So listen to your body and look after yourself. No matter what you’ve gone through, you can heal and thrive.
Final Summary
Basically, as Beecher explains.. Traditional western medicine doesn’t have all the answers. But the good news is, many of those answers are actually within us.
So, listen closely to your intuition, and work with your chakras to find healing strategies for all areas of your health. The insights you gain during the process will give you everything you need for a happy, healthy life.
Creative activities are a great way to connect with your intuition. Beecher recommends soul painting – an exercise she uses to connect with clients and help them to heal. And don’t worry, no artistic ability is required. Simply ask your intuition a question, then draw or paint whatever comes to mind. Just follow your intuition and have fun. When you’ve finished, think about what the picture means to you.
Katie Beecher is a licensed counselor and medical intuitive with 30 years of experience. Her clients include celebrities and CEOs, and her work has been featured in Goop. Heal From Within is her first book.
Health, Fitness, Dieting, Alternative Medicine, New Age Channeling, Chakras, Energy Healing, Spirituality, Healing, Philosophy, Alternative Therapies
Table of Contents
Part I
1 How to Use This Book
2 What I Believe
3 Finding My Life Purpose
4 My Unique, Individual Reading Process
5 You Are Never Alone: Connecting to Intuition
6 Symptoms Are Signals from Our Intuition
7 Identifying Individual Issues and Strengths
8 The Complete Person: Healing Using the 7th Chakra
9 Intuitive Sight, Wisdom, and Truth: Healing Using the 6th Chakra
10 Finding Your Voice: Healing Using the 5th Chakra
11 “Don’t Be So Sensitive”: Healing Using the 4th Chakra
12 Self-Esteem, Body Image, and the Gut-Brain: Healing Using the 3rd Chakra
13 Sex, Power, and Life Purpose: Healing Using the 2nd Chakra
14 Trust, Safety, Security, and Family: Healing Using the 1st Chakra
Part II
Glossary of Healing
Epilogue: How to Use This Book Going Forward
Acknowledgments: With Love and Gratitude
Appendix: Websites, Resources, Healing Therapies, and Recommended Products
Chakra Chart Worksheet
Heal from Within is a book that aims to help readers take control of their own health using a holistic and intuitive approach. The author, Katie Beecher, is a licensed professional counselor and a medical and emotional intuitive who has over thirty years of experience in helping people heal from various physical, emotional, and spiritual issues. She shares her personal story of overcoming an eating disorder, depression, trauma, and Lyme disease, as well as the stories of many of her clients who have benefited from her unique method of intuitive reading.
The book is divided into two parts. The first part explains the concept and process of intuitive reading, which involves creating a detailed report and a symbolic painting for each client based on their name and age. The report covers the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the client’s health, identifies the key issues and the possible contributing factors, and provides a strategy to permanently heal the root causes. The painting represents the client’s soul and serves as a visual reminder of their healing journey. The author also teaches readers how to access their own intuition and spiritual guidance using some of the same tools and exercises that she uses in her readings, such as meditation, journaling, dialogue prompts, mantras, affirmations, and visualization.
The second part of the book contains a comprehensive glossary of specific conditions along with tailored treatment suggestions. The conditions range from common ailments such as allergies, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and weight problems to more serious ones such as autoimmune diseases, cancer, chronic pain, diabetes, and heart disease. The treatment suggestions include practical advice on supplements, diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, therapy, alternative healing modalities, and spiritual practices. The author emphasizes that each person is unique and needs to find what works best for them based on their intuition and personal preferences.
Heal from Within is a book that offers a fresh and empowering perspective on health and wellness. It challenges the conventional medical model that focuses on symptoms and diagnoses rather than on the underlying causes and the whole person. It also encourages readers to trust their own inner wisdom and to seek guidance from their higher self and their spiritual helpers. The book is written in a clear and compassionate tone that makes it easy to follow and understand. The author shares her own experiences and insights with honesty and humility, as well as the testimonies of her clients who have achieved remarkable results with her method. The book is full of useful information and practical tips that can help anyone improve their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The book is also beautifully illustrated with colorful paintings that convey the essence of each client’s soul.
Heal from Within is a book that I would highly recommend to anyone who is looking for a holistic and intuitive way to heal themselves or their loved ones. It is a book that can inspire hope, confidence, and transformation in anyone who reads it. It is a book that can help you heal from within.