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Summary: Management Mess to Leadership Success: 30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow by Scott Jeffrey Miller

Discover the practical wisdom and real-world advice for becoming a better leader in “Management Mess to Leadership Success” by Scott Jeffrey Miller. Whether you’re an emerging leader or a seasoned professional, this book provides invaluable insights and actionable strategies to enhance your leadership skills and inspire those around you.

Management Mess to Leadership Success (2019) is a guide to renovating and polishing your management skills. Through relatable, personal anecdotes of fumbles, missteps, and what not to do, it offers applicable challenges for you to revamp your team by providing a step-by-step guide on how to lead yourself and others and deliver results.


Executive and podcaster Scott Jeffrey Miller organizes his 30 leadership challenges under the headings “Lead Yourself,” “Lead Others” and “Get Results.” Leading yourself requires humility, listening, inspiring trust and demonstrating work-life balance. Leading others requires good character and an ability to have honest, constructive conversations. A great leader gets results by offering a vision, aligning actions with achievable goals, celebrating wins and leading through change.

Book Summary: Management Mess to Leadership Success - 30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow


  • You don’t have all the answers. Show more humility by listening better and not overreacting.
  • To be trustworthy, be open and clear about your intentions, and don’t overcommit.
  • Model the work-life balance you claim your company values. People need to see the boss take a vacation.
  • Check your paradigms. You might be making outdated or irrelevant assumptions.
  • Great leaders know when to have the “difficult conversations,” and when to say nothing.
  • Practice loyalty, correct wrongs when you see them and coach continuously.
  • Great leaders have a vision, and they know how to implement it strategically with their teams.
  • Make high-value decisions, be sure your systems support your vision, and celebrate wins.
  • Change is inevitable. Know the difference between being reckless and being fearless.

Introduction: Practical advice paired with wisdom and expertise.

Whether you’re new to leadership or a seasoned expert who’s hit a roadblock and needs a reminder on what makes someone a leader, you’re in luck – this summary is for you.

This guide will help you to think abundantly, demonstrate humility, lead difficult conversations, create vision, and deliver high-value results. In turn, it will transform how you inspire and keep trust, earn top performance, and maintain the utmost caliber of management for your team.

Lead yourself by learning to listen.

Have you ever been at a party and got stuck in conversation with someone who constantly interrupts you? Maybe they’re polite enough to ask a lot of questions, but they fire off another before you even have a chance to answer the first. Or maybe you’re the person who does this as a coping mechanism for your social anxiety and deathly fear of silence. The fact of the matter is, the well-intentioned drive to fill space and create dialogue can sometimes backfire if you approach a conversation like a criminal attorney. Inevitably, your target – and they will feel like a target – will become defensive and shut down. Your rapport will too.

Silence, if you remember, is golden. As important as it is to ask questions to engage someone, it’s just as important to give them enough space to consider and reflect, formulate a thought, and articulate it. Each person has their own vocal rhythm and pattern. Some people may be capable of responding at 100 miles per hour but others are slower and will feel rushed and not heard if you speed things along.

So what characterizes a truly effective listener? Well, let’s first consider what not to do. Active listening doesn’t consist of evaluating – assenting or dissenting based on personal experience; counseling – giving advice; interpreting – drawing conclusions on cause or outcome; or probing – asking follow-up questions based on one’s curiosity, rather than allowing the other person to lead.

Let’s consider an example. Your friend calls you, very upset, to share the news that their cat has just died. An evaluator might say, “Chin up, mate! It’s not a tragedy in the grand scheme of things.” A counselor might say, “Why don’t you get your cat stuffed by a taxidermist?” A prober might ask, “Was she hit by the neighbor’s car?” And an interpreter might say, “Maybe you wouldn’t be so sad if you’d listened to the doctor about putting her down before it came to this.”

While the responders in this scenario might be well-intentioned, the problem with all their responses is that instead of empathetically inviting the speaker to share their thoughts and feelings without judgment, they’re making it about their own feelings, needs, and pressures.

Our culture doesn’t invest a lot of resources into teaching people to become strong listeners. Yes, we’re taught how to debate, communicate, promote, persuade, and present. But how many people have received formal training in the art of careful listening? In fact, listening is one of the most critical yet neglected communication skills. It requires an immense amount of attention, care, curiosity, and self-control.

If listening is one of your weak points, here’s something quick to try out: count to seven before deciding to fill a silence. Filling silence is, after all, often just a euphemism for interrupting and not giving the other person enough time and space to respond. You might be surprised by how this pause can generate a profound positive change in your relationships!

Lead others by thinking abundantly.

When you eat at a hotel breakfast buffet, are you the type to try to beat everyone to the punch of ladling impossible quantities of every food item onto your plate, or do you recognize that there’s more than enough food for everyone and that you can let your neighbor grab a croissant first? The first reflects a scarcity mindset – I need to get as much for myself before it’s gone. The second is one of abundance – there’s more than enough for everyone.

Now, imagine one of your colleagues approaches you with a concern: they feel you’re overshadowing them by taking credit for all their projects and contributions – you announce all of the major campaigns and projects they’ve spearheaded without any mention of their contribution. This isn’t an easy conversation or confrontation to navigate! Let’s take a cue from the previous section, though, and say you take a few breaths, temper your first instinct to indignantly refute their confrontation, and reflect on the matter. Maybe you recognize that this isn’t unlike the breakfast buffet scenario: in hoarding attention, laurels, and accomplishments, you may be failing to think abundantly, and poorly attempting to forward your own reputation and career at your teammate’s expense.

While such tactics might get you ahead in the short term, in the long term, this isn’t the kind of leadership that will be sustainable. While it’s hardwired in our biology to accumulate on that which is valuable and for which we’re seemingly all in competition – admiration, recognition, and resources – there is, in fact, more than enough to go around. And not only that, but in the workplace, sharing is truly going to get you further ahead.

Let’s flip the script for a moment: Have you ever had a colleague higher up than you share praise, decision-making power, and credit with you when you felt like your contribution was negligent by comparison to theirs? How did that make you feel? Gratitude, appreciation, and a desire to put in more work to meet their positive regard for you – you’re not going to want to let your manager down if they’re generous, gracious, and respectful toward you in an authentic way. Rather, you’re more likely to go above and beyond to meet their perception of you. Now that’s good management.

If you’re prone to a scarcity mindset, get curious about yourself. Peel back the layers of this thinking – all the thoughts and feelings behind this thought and feeling of scarcity – and try to reflect on its origin. Next, try to shift your internal language: if you’re prone to telling yourself, “Our firm never gets the top-tier projects; it’s all downhill from here,” try moving toward one of gratitude and appreciation, “I’m excited to hone our potential and to get that next game-changing account. Let’s go!” This shift is translatable beyond the workplace, too. Rest assured, if you apply this to other aspects of your life, you’ll also start to see results.

Make and keep commitments to get results.

Think for a moment about the commitments that form the cornerstones of your life. Perhaps they include working a job; exercising weekly; raising a family; nurturing friendships; taking a foreign language class; or spearheading a philanthropic fundraising drive. Your list depends on your current timeline and responsibilities, but the specificity of your duties isn’t as important as your approach to them. Everyone drops the ball on something sometime, but if you’re consistently overcommitted and burned-out, it might be time to set aside some time to honestly assess your capacity and priorities.

Like Russian dolls, each of these commitments in themselves contains further commitments. If you’re a boss, for example, part of your job is leading difficult conversations, giving tough feedback, and firing people. If you’re taking a class, you need to do the practice assignments and homework. There are varying levels of quality on the deliverables, of course, and there’s always more you can take on, but that’s the crux of the matter at hand: Do you know when to say no?

Maybe you’re already feeling overstretched when you’re approached with a new opportunity to expand your global business profile. It would mean more talks, more traveling, and more writing on your part. Do you say yes without considering the ripple effects it would have on the rest of your duties? Or do you evaluate your availability and decide that this isn’t the right time? Saying yes would probably mean turning your back on commitments you’ve already made. Your integrity keeps you from compromising existing promises.

If you tend to go with choice one, you’re not alone. We live in a culture that constantly encourages us to do and consume more. But you should remember that you can’t do everything. Even if you’re not consciously aware of it, saying yes to one thing necessarily means saying no to others. That’s how life works. When you make a commitment, you’re building a foundation of hope. When you keep your commitments, you’re creating trust. So what happens if you tend to overcommit and underdeliver? It may feel like you’re being überproductive, but you may just be breaking a lot of bonds of trust.

Instead, aim to undercommit and overdeliver. If that sounds counterintuitive, think about it on the receiving end: Are you more likely to want to work with someone who says yes to everything and disappoints, or someone who is more selective in the projects they take on but delights you with the caliber of their performance?

Practice saying no with grace. Maybe something like, “I’d love to be a part of this, but I’m overcommitted at the moment and have to decline. If something changes, I’ll get back to you. Thrilled by this project and excited to see where it goes!” Alternatively, you can also keep it short, “Let me get back to you on this,” to buy some time to assess your availability.

Attune to change to maintain leadership.

Being a leader means facilitating and nurturing positive change. Remember, leaders aren’t hired to maintain the status quo. Whether you like it or not, change will come no matter what, in the form of market competitors, legislative changes, pressure from the board, pushes to expand the bottom dollar, organizational and structural reshuffling, global pandemics – the list goes on and on. Many changes aren’t under your control, but what is under your purview of impact are your relationships with your team and your people.

Nurturing and investing in your interpersonal relationships, mentorship, and communication will impact you as well as the team and company’s performance. All relationships are bidirectional and cocreated, so how you relate and feel about the people in your teams will influence your performance, your approach to problems and solutions, and the attitude and morale of your colleagues.

Across the board, it’s important for leaders to establish a baseline level of transparency that fits the culture of the workplace and team – which developments will be disclosed and at what point in the process? For example, if one of the goals of your company is increasing pay equality, will you disclose salary ranges now or will you work to get the policy implemented first? You won’t always have the bandwidth or time to share constant updates and disclosures with all of your teammates. A good practice is to share what you deem essential, acknowledge what is being firmed up and may demand input from others, and commit to keeping your team abreast promptly and in a communication style that’s consistent, empathic, and professional.

Some leaders might tend toward self-effacement – keeping themselves buttoned up, not sharing much personal information or opinions, feelings, and thoughts. For these kinds of leaders, it might be important to make more of an effort to share a selection of personal anecdotes and tidbits that can facilitate a greater sense of social tissue between you and your team.

For other leaders, the challenge might be their tendency to overshare, and their difficulty in regulating which opinions or emotions to share with teammates. For these leaders, checking in with themselves and remembering to prioritize listening, understanding, and a more tightly curated selection of internal states could be beneficial for work relationships and interactions. Asking questions is an important part of inviting others to share their insights and opinions and maximizing your social knowledge and context of the team. Having a multilayered understanding of your teammates and the challenges and wins they’re navigating will help you to be a better leader. A pause between the input of a stimulus – such as good or bad news, external pressures and changes – and the output of reaction, will also help.

Celebrate wins.

Your team will be happy to have a flute of champagne at the standard, yearly holiday party, but you know what can leave a bigger mark? Investing an hour of your time to draft a list of each colleague’s special contribution to a big win and sharing it in person the next day – bonus points if you memorize the list by heart. It may cost less than a case of wine, but this method of sharing credit and showing gratitude in a personalized way reflects your sincere appreciation and is sure to be unforgettable.

Many leaders tend toward perfectionism; setting your sights on cosmically high goals may have gotten you to your position, but you need to temper that when you’re working with a group of people and within the earthly constraints of a business. Instead of focusing on what’s perfect or not, try to define what extraordinary looks like. Practice valuing and recognizing when your team achieves it. This doesn’t mean institutionalizing a regular, watered-down kudos circle – people want to feel like they’ve worked for a real win and are celebrating a hard-earned victory, not getting a perfunctory pat on the back for maintaining a baseline. But if it’s been a months-long grind in the office and that impossible project reached the finish line in the nick of time, that’s a win – and it’s a cause for taking a breather and reflecting and recognizing the group’s accomplishment.

Are you sleeping on a discretionary budget? Don’t stockpile your resources for the impossible pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. That day may never come – especially if you tend to work the team to the bone without any reprieve or bonus. Take your team out for lunch, and invite your interns out, too. They’ve earned it. And frankly, you all deserve it! Investing your time in recognizing accomplishments ensures a boost in morale and spirits, and will have positive ripple effects for your next big win. Let’s toast to that.


You don’t have all the answers. Show more humility by listening better and not overreacting.

The opposite of humility is arrogance. Author Scott Jeffrey Miller learned this the hard way when he antagonized his team members on his first day as their boss, punishing them for being late and recommending that they find other jobs. He had no idea how his arrogance hurt his credibility. Luckily, he learned from his mistake and built a better relationship with his employees.

As an executive at the FranklinCovey leadership consultancy and as the host of popular programs on iHeart Radio, Miller has interviewed many leaders. He finds that humility is the quality they value most. Humble leaders don’t need outside validation. They are outward-looking and seek to help others. They find that being humble builds character. However, humility requires listening to others. Miller admits he has a propensity for bombarding people with questions instead of giving them space to share their ideas. He learned to close his mouth to make himself listen. When you don’t listen, you fall into making assumptions and evaluating, advising and probing according to your experience – not based on what the other person tells you.

“If you’re a leader, you already have a reputation for driving results. The question is, what kind of reputation?”

Demonstrate empathy by taking the time to understand someone else’s needs, goals and pressures. Wait for people to ask you for advice instead of offering it unsolicited. Don’t interrupt during conversations, because that shows disrespect. Part of good listening is knowing how to regulate your emotions. If you hear something that upsets you, step back instead of reacting. Take responsibility for your reactions. To be prepared not to overreact, examine your values and anticipate what might trigger you.

To be trustworthy, be open and clear about your intentions, and don’t overcommit.

Do your colleagues trust you? Do you trust them? Make a list of the people to whom you extend trust and of those whose trust you want to earn. The old ways of getting ahead required lying and subterfuge. Thankfully, corporate cultures have evolved to be more transparent. To be part of creating trust, declare your intentions up front, and expect others to do so as well. During one meeting, Miller felt frustrated about a colleague’s failure to declare his intentions. The man confessed afterward that Miller intimidated him. Declaring your intent keeps the other person from making negative assumptions. Mismatched expectations cause a lot of conflicts.

“When you make a commitment, you build hope; when you keep it, you build trust.”

Trust rests on declaring your intentions and following through. That means keeping your commitments. Don’t risk your reputation by failing to follow through. Commit meaningfully to causes that matter to you.

Model the work-life balance you claim your company values. People need to see the boss take a vacation.

Everyone talks about work-life balance, but hardly anyone achieves it. To make it as a leader in a competitive corporate culture, you must work harder than everyone else. The line between work and personal life blurs. You will be less productive if you don’t take breaks, but fully 24% of Americans take no vacation at all.

“When leaders themselves don’t have a life, they not only look pitiful in the eyes of their teams, they also set a very low standard for how others behave, consciously or unconsciously.”

You can’t just advocate work-life balance; you must model it for your teams. No one will aspire to your thankless, no-vacation job. The most influential people are models of work-life balance. Admit that you struggle with it, so your colleagues see you, too, are vulnerable to overwork.

Check your paradigms. You might be making outdated or irrelevant assumptions.

Do you make assumptions according to your long-held personal perceptions and beliefs? You may be in a paradigm trap. Paradigm means “pattern” in Greek, and most people have patterns they follow. For example, Miller failed to check his paradigm when a colleague he saw as below him in the hierarchy asked him to demonstrate his work on a project. Miller didn’t give the colleague credit for working hard toward promotion, and focused instead on where his colleague was relative to his own position in the hierarchy. Miller shut his colleague down harshly in front of his peers and later regretted it.

If you work on your relationships and learn about people’s needs, you can avoid making assumptions. Miller usually has his setting on “fast” when it comes to interactions with people, but getting to know a person is an investment, and investments take time and consideration. Reflect on how you think about people, and correct your misperceptions and outdated beliefs. The better you connect with people, the less likely you are to fall into the paradigm trap.

“Our paradigms are perhaps the most powerful tools we have in how we interact with others.”

Do not insulate yourself from the truth. Some leaders don’t encourage criticism or feedback on their own performances, but they omit getting feedback at their peril. Make it safe for your people to be honest. That will benefit you and your company’s brand. You can’t only say you appreciate hearing the truth. You must demonstrate that the feedback makes a genuine difference and that you see it as constructive.

Great leaders know when to have the “difficult conversations,” and when to say nothing.

Leaders get to do lots of cool stuff, like interview new associates, coach team members, reward success, design strategy and lead conversations. But it’s not all fun and games. If having difficult conversations is not on your list of leadership obligations, fire yourself now. Miller is accomplished at having difficult conversations, but when others say it’s easy for him, Miller says they’re wrong. It took him a lot of practice with plenty of failures. Leadership often calls for having difficult conversations, but it can change people’s lives.

Check your intentions. You want only the best for the person you’re evaluating. Practice with someone you trust. Get expert advice. Listen to the other person, ask open-ended questions, make the conversation a “win-win,” and avoid assumptions and negative comparisons. Show empathy. Be thoughtful and mindful so you don’t damage the person’s self-esteem.

“Many cultural misalignments and interpersonal conflicts are caused by otherwise very competent and well-intended leaders who can’t find the right balance between courage and consideration.” ”

Sometimes, not saying anything is best. Balance the courage to talk straight and manage difficult conversations with avoiding bullying, intimidating or being demanding. It might seem that some successful people get what they want by being aggressive, but refusing to collaborate or compromise doesn’t encourage trust, only fear.

Practice loyalty, correct wrongs when you see them and coach continuously.

Miller grew up around gossip. He didn’t stop gossiping until he joined FranklinCovey. As its founder, Dr. Stephen Covey, wrote, “When you defend those who are absent, you retain the trust of those present.” By being loyal and not gossiping about people who aren’t around to defend themselves, you demonstrate to your team members that you will honor them the same way. Miller had to learn to curb his tendency to gossip. He learned to live by the “Platinum Rule”: Treat others the way they want to be treated.

When you say the wrong thing, apologize. People feel that apologizing makes them look weak. But having the humility to say you’re sorry takes self-esteem. The more humble leaders are, the more confidence they project. When you apologize, you’ll be amazed at how open the wronged party will become. Taking responsibility requires courage.

“Telling reinforces dependency; coaching develops capability.”

Coaching is part of your responsibility for your team’s well-being. As a coach, you must lift people above their failings and help them succeed. Head off problems before they become serious.

Great leaders have a vision, and they know how to implement it strategically with their teams.

A great vision should be an idea you can communicate easily in 30 seconds or less. Once you create a vision, follow through and make it real. Too often, a vision fails to reach the next level because team members become confused or don’t feel inspired. That could be the result of a poor cultural fit or of offering a vision that is too far-fetched. Create a strong message, repeat it often and solicit ambassadors to promote it. If too many things are urgent or if the leader is unclear, the vision will falter. Identify and stick with your “Wildly Important Goals” (WIGs). Charismatic idea generators can help a firm energize and innovate, but they must practice discernment.

“At a high level, creating a vision means defining where your team is going and how they will get there. Notice the ‘how’ part.”

To succeed with your WIGs, be strategic. Identify the one area where a change would have the biggest impact on the company’s other organizational goals. Share them with your team. Collaborate with pivotal stakeholders, choose goals to focus on, and be aware of the goals you aren’t focusing on for now. Communicate constantly, track your progress and delegate as necessary. Align your resources and values with your WIGs. Learn and try new things. Keep your eye on the big picture.

Make high-value decisions, be sure your systems support your vision and celebrate wins.

Systems are complicated, and it’s difficult to change them in a corporate culture that accepts “good enough.” Challenging processes is also hard, but you can address redundancies and improve outcomes. Ask yourself if the right people are in the right positions. Do they work well together? Do they have the necessary resources? Does the organization have the right processes? Discerning what is valuable and what isn’t may not be easy. You don’t want results – you want the right results. Consider horse racing. A good jockey will pull a horse out of a race if it has an injury, because getting results means winning future races, not just the current one. A leader who focuses only on winning the race can inadvertently hurt his or her team.

Being “busy” is not the same as being productive. Strive to achieve the right results in the right way. You won’t always know what is the most valuable, so ask for help. Be humble and don’t go it alone. Resist getting sucked into minutiae and losing sight of the larger goal. Miller once celebrated a big win by shooting 28 million pieces of confetti out of three cannons. You might not have the budget for that, but resist the urge to wait for the “perfect” win before opening the champagne.

Change is inevitable. Know the difference between being reckless and being fearless.

Miller found it painful to see a colleague he mentored move past him on the corporate ladder. The lesson: You must be mindful of how an unwelcome change affects you and your team. Balance your feelings while maintaining a professional attitude. Think abundantly – the world has enough success for everyone.

“Be fearless about your own professional development and learning.”

Business author Seth Godin told Miller that a good entrepreneur needs to know the difference between recklessness and fearlessness. Quitting your job with no savings so you can write a novel is reckless. Calling editors to pitch your great idea for a book is fearless. Take risks to succeed, but only calculated risks. Commit to continuous improvement through continually learning and challenging yourself. Get feedback from colleagues and mentors. Avoid critics and naysayers who won’t raise the stakes in their own lives. Learn new skills and use them to become the best you can be.


You’ve learned the value of listening, attuning to change, and leading your team to victory.

And remember, not only are the principles outlined here applicable across all fields but also beyond the confines of the office. Authenticity, character, gratitude, and grace are timeless values that you can practice to become a leader in your department, company, home, and – well – everywhere.

About the author

Scott Jeffrey Miller, executive vice president of thought leadership at FranklinCovey Co., hosts On Leadership With Scott Miller, a weekly webcast, podcast and newsletter, and Great Life, Great Career With Scott Miller on iHeartMedia’s KNRS 105.9.

Entering his twenty-third year with FranklinCovey, Scott Miller serves as the executive vice president of thought leadership. He is the host of the FranklinCovey-sponsored On Leadership With Scott Miller, a weekly leadership webcast, podcast, and newsletter that features interviews with renowned business titans, authors, and thought leaders and is distributed to more than five million business leaders worldwide. He is also the host of the weekly radio program Great Life, Great Career With Scott Miller on iHeart Media’s KNRS 105.9. This radio program and podcast provide insight and strategies drawn from FranklinCovey’s leadership principles and from Miller’s career and personal life experience to assist listeners in becoming more effective as business leaders and to improve their personal performance. Additionally, Miller authors a weekly leadership column for Inc. magazine.


Communication Skills, Management, Leadership, Human Resources, Personnel Management, Business, Motivation

Table of Contents

Introduction 9
Part 1 Lead Yourself
Challenge 1 Demonstrate Humility 15
Challenge 2 Think Abundantly 23
Challenge 3 Listen First 29
Challenge 4 Declare Your Intent 37
Challenge 5 Make and Keep Commitments 43
Challenge 6 Carry Your Own Weather 51
Challenge 7 Inspire Trust 57
Challenge 8 Model Work/Life Balance 65
Part 2 Lead Others
Challenge 9 Place the Right People in the Right Roles 73
Challenge 10 Make Time for Relationships 79
Challenge 11 Check Your Paradigms 87
Challenge 12 Lead Difficult Conversations 93
Challenge 13 Talk Straight 101
Challenge 14 Balance Courage and Consideration 107
Challenge 15 Show Loyalty 113
Challenge 16 Make It Safe to Tell the Truth 119
Challenge 17 Right Wrongs 125
Challenge 18 Coach Continuously 131
Challenge 19 Protect Your Team Against Urgencies 137
Challenge 20 Hold Regular 1-on-1s 143
Challenge 21 Allow Others To Be Smart 149
Part 3 Get Results
Challenge 22 Create Vision 157
Challenge 23 Identify the Wildly Important Goals (WIGs) 163
Challenge 24 Align Actions With the Wildly Important Goals 169
Challenge 25 Ensure Your Systems Support Your Mission 175
Challenge 26 Deliver Results 181
Challenge 27 Celebrate Wins 187
Challenge 28 Make High-Value Decisions 193
Challenge 29 Lead Through Change 201
Challenge 30 Get Better 209
A Final Thought What About Character?
Character 218
Challenge Sources 219
Acknowledgments 223
Notes and References 227
Index 23
Scott Jeffrey Miller 241


“Management Mess to Leadership Success: 30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow” by Scott Jeffrey Miller is a practical and insightful guide that offers a fresh perspective on leadership development. The book outlines 30 leadership challenges, providing valuable lessons and actionable advice for aspiring leaders who want to transform their management style into one that inspires and leads by example.

Scott Jeffrey Miller draws from his extensive experience at FranklinCovey, a renowned leadership and management consulting firm, to share real-world anecdotes and practical wisdom. Each chapter focuses on a specific leadership challenge, such as communication, trust, accountability, or empathy, and offers a combination of personal stories, case studies, and actionable tips to help readers overcome common leadership hurdles.

One of the book’s notable strengths is its relatability. Miller candidly shares his own leadership missteps and lessons learned, making the content approachable and authentic. The book’s conversational and engaging writing style makes it easy to connect with the author’s experiences and the challenges he presents.

“Management Mess to Leadership Success” is a refreshingly candid and practical guide to leadership. Scott Jeffrey Miller’s personal anecdotes and straightforward approach provide readers with the tools they need to evolve from being a management mess to a leader others would willingly follow. The book’s 30 challenges are presented in a way that encourages self-reflection and growth, making it a valuable resource for leaders at all stages of their careers.

Miller’s approach is rooted in real-world experiences, making the book relatable and authentic. It is not a theoretical treatise on leadership but rather a down-to-earth, actionable roadmap for personal and professional development. The book’s emphasis on building self-awareness, leading with integrity, and fostering positive workplace relationships aligns with modern leadership principles.

In a world where leadership is essential, “Management Mess to Leadership Success” is a breath of fresh air. It offers readers a path to transform their leadership skills, engage their teams, and ultimately become the kind of leaders they would follow willingly.

Management Mess to Leadership Success: 30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow by Scott Jeffrey Miller