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How To Tell If He’s Just Stringing You Along And Won’t Commit

Are you wondering if he’s serious about you or just playing games? Here are some signs that he’s just stringing you along and won’t commit.

You’ve been dating this guy for a while, and you really like him. He’s charming, funny, and attentive. He makes you feel special and appreciated. You think he might be the one.

But there’s a problem. He hasn’t made any moves to take the relationship to the next level. He hasn’t introduced you to his friends or family, he hasn’t said the L-word, and he hasn’t talked about the future. He always has an excuse for why he can’t commit, or he avoids the topic altogether.

How To Tell If He’s Just Stringing You Along And Won’t Commit

You’re starting to wonder if he’s serious about you or just playing games. Is he stringing you along, or is he just afraid of commitment? How can you tell the difference?

In this article, we’ll share some signs that he’s just stringing you along and won’t commit. We’ll also give you some tips on how to deal with this situation and what to do next.

Signs that he’s just stringing you along and won’t commit

He’s inconsistent

One of the most obvious signs that he’s just stringing you along and won’t commit is that he’s inconsistent. He’s hot and cold, on and off, in and out. He texts you all day, then disappears for days. He makes plans with you, then cancels at the last minute. He says he misses you, then ignores you.

He’s sending you mixed signals, and you never know where you stand with him. He’s keeping you on your toes, and not in a good way. He’s making you feel insecure and confused, and that’s not how a healthy relationship should be.

He’s secretive

Another sign that he’s just stringing you along and won’t commit is that he’s secretive. He doesn’t share much about his life, his feelings, or his past. He doesn’t let you in on his plans, his goals, or his dreams. He doesn’t open up to you, and he doesn’t ask you to open up to him.

He’s hiding something from you, and it’s not because he’s shy or reserved. It’s because he doesn’t want you to get too close to him, or to find out something that might make you leave him. He’s keeping you at arm’s length, and that’s not how a trusting relationship should be.

He’s selfish

Another sign that he’s just stringing you along and won’t commit is that he’s selfish. He only thinks about himself, his needs, and his wants. He doesn’t care about you, your feelings, or your preferences. He doesn’t respect your boundaries, your opinions, or your values. He doesn’t support your goals, your passions, or your dreams.

He’s using you for his own benefit, and he’s not giving you anything in return. He’s taking advantage of you, and he’s not appreciating you. He’s making you feel unimportant and unworthy, and that’s not how a loving relationship should be.

What to do if he’s just stringing you along and won’t commit

If you recognize any of these signs in your relationship, then you need to take action. You deserve better than someone who’s just stringing you along and won’t commit. You deserve someone who’s consistent, honest, and generous. Someone who’s serious about you, and who wants to build a future with you.

Here are some steps you can take if he’s just stringing you along and won’t commit:

  • Communicate your expectations. Tell him what you want and need from the relationship, and ask him what he wants and needs from you. Be clear and direct, and don’t settle for vague or evasive answers. If he can’t or won’t give you a straight answer, then you have your answer.
  • Set your boundaries. Tell him what you’re willing and not willing to accept from the relationship, and stick to them. Don’t let him manipulate you, guilt-trip you, or pressure you into doing things you don’t want to do. Don’t let him disrespect you, hurt you, or take you for granted. Don’t let him waste your time, energy, or emotions.
  • Take action. If he doesn’t meet your expectations or respect your boundaries, then you need to make a decision. You can either stay and hope that he’ll change, or you can leave and find someone who’ll treat you right. The choice is yours, but remember that you can’t change someone who doesn’t want to change, and you can’t make someone love you who doesn’t love you.

FAQs related to the topic

Question: How do you know if a guy is stringing you along?

Answer: Some signs that a guy is stringing you along are:

  • He’s inconsistent. He’s hot and cold, on and off, in and out.
  • He’s secretive. He doesn’t share much about his life, his feelings, or his past.
  • He’s selfish. He only thinks about himself, his needs, and his wants.

Question: How do you deal with a guy who is stringing you along?

Answer: Some ways to deal with a guy who is stringing you along are:

  • Communicate your expectations. Tell him what you want and need from the relationship, and ask him what he wants and needs from you.
  • Set your boundaries. Tell him what you’re willing and not willing to accept from the relationship, and stick to them.
  • Take action. If he doesn’t meet your expectations or respect your boundaries, then you need to make a decision. You can either stay and hope that he’ll change, or you can leave and find someone who’ll treat you right.

Question: How do you make a guy commit to you?

Answer: Some ways to make a guy commit to you are:

  • Be yourself. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not, or try to change yourself to please him. Show him your true self, and let him love you for who you are.
  • Be confident. Don’t be insecure, needy, or clingy. Show him that you’re happy and comfortable with yourself, and that you don’t need him to complete you.
  • Be independent. Don’t rely on him for everything, or make him your whole world. Show him that you have your own life, your own interests, and your own goals.
  • Be supportive. Don’t criticize him, nag him, or judge him. Show him that you’re his partner, his friend, and his cheerleader. Encourage him, motivate him, and inspire him.
  • Be fun. Don’t be boring, dull, or predictable. Show him that you’re adventurous, spontaneous, and exciting. Surprise him, challenge him, and make him laugh.


If you’re dating a guy who’s just stringing you along and won’t commit, then you need to take action. You deserve better than someone who’s inconsistent, secretive, and selfish. You deserve someone who’s consistent, honest, and generous. Someone who’s serious about you, and who wants to build a future with you.

Remember, you deserve to be with someone who loves you, respects you, and commits to you. Don’t settle for less than you deserve.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. It is based on general research and personal experience, and it may not apply to every situation.