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Profound Beliefs in Slavoj Žižek’s Guide to Mastering Lacan

Shaping beliefs and actions by exploring the Foundations of Lacan’s Thought. Dive into the complex theories of Jacques Lacan through Slavoj Žižek’s accessible introduction. Continue reading to learn how Lacanian concepts provide insights into human psychology, culture and politics.

This book provides an introduction to the complicated and challenging work of Jacques Lacan, the famous 20th century psychoanalyst. Žižek does an excellent job of breaking down Lacan’s dense theoretical concepts and providing practical examples to help illustrate his key ideas. The book is divided into short, bite sized chapters that each focus on a different aspect of Lacanian theory, like the unconscious, desire, drive, objet petit a, the Name-of-the-Father, and the four discourses. Throughout, Žižek weaves in references to popular culture, films, jokes and examples from everyday life to show how Lacan’s insights into the human psyche can play out in the real world.

Profound Beliefs in Slavoj Žižek's Guide to Mastering Lacan

While Lacan is renowned for being obscure and difficult to comprehend, Žižek’s accessible writing style and humorous analogies make his core theories engaging and intriguing even for those with no prior background in psychoanalysis. Žižek is clearly passionate about Lacan and conveys his enthusiasm for how his concepts can be applied to understand human behavior, contemporary culture and politics. However, some readers may find Žižek’s explanations too reductionist or oversimplified at times. Additionally, the work would have benefitted from including more direct quotes from Lacan’s own lectures and writings.

Overall, this is an excellent introduction for those interested in gaining a solid foundation of Lacanian concepts before delving into his dense and challenging original texts. Žižek succeeds in his goal of demonstrating how Lacan can be read and applied to illuminate important aspects of individual and social existence.


Pscyhoanalytic theory, intellectual history, critical theory, philosophy, cultural criticism, literture, film studies, politics, popular culture, humor, current affairs, psychology, sociology, education

Introduction: Discover the hidden forces shaping your beliefs and actions

How to Read Lacan (2007) offers a deep dive into the perplexing landscape of our inner psyche through the lens of twentieth-century psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Jacques Lacan. It unravels the mysteries of unconscious beliefs, from the paradoxes of atheism to the rituals that mask genuine feelings. It leads us through an eye-opening journey, challenging our perceptions, and uncovering the unseen forces shaping our daily lives.

Have you ever delved into the depths of your beliefs and actions, questioning the unseen forces beneath them? This exploration is not just a matter of introspection but of understanding the philosophical underpinnings that influence our thoughts and behaviors. In this summary, we delve into Slavoj Žižek’s philosophical interpretation of the work of twentieth-century French psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Jacques Lacan. We reveal the complex interplay between our conscious beliefs and the unconscious drivers behind them.

Žižek, a contemporary philosopher known for his provocative insights, draws from Jacques Lacan’s work to explain how our perceived reality is constructed. He introduces us to the concept of belief through the Other, which suggests that our engagement in societal norms and cultural rituals is often a performance – one that we don’t genuinely internalize. This idea echoes Lacan’s notion that our unconscious isn’t just a repository of repressed thoughts but an active force in shaping our reality.

By integrating Žižek’s interpretation, you’ll gain a richer understanding of Lacan’s psychoanalytic theory and a nuanced view of the dialectical relationship between our conscious and unconscious minds. By the end of this summary, you’ll not only be more aware of the hidden forces within you but also appreciate the philosophical lens through which Žižek views and expands upon Lacan’s legacy.

The enigma of our inner psyche

The intricate world of the unconscious isn’t just about dreams and desires, it also holds beliefs and paradoxes that shape our lives. One such belief, deeply embedded within, functions through the mechanisms of disavowal, a term from Lacanian theory that describes how we might reject a reality that’s too difficult to face. For example, a person might intellectually deny the existence of God, yet unconsciously adhere to moral codes that suggest otherwise. This isn’t about hypocrisy – it’s about an inner conflict where one part of the psyche hasn’t acknowledged what another part knows to be true.

Disavowal is closely related to Lacan’s concept of perversion, where someone symbolically rejects or “castrates” a part of their reality, yet finds ways to engage with it indirectly. It’s a defense mechanism that allows us to navigate the anxiety of acknowledging truths that threaten our self-concept.

Displacement is another defense, where the mind redirects emotions from their original source to something less intimidating. Instead of dealing with the anxiety of a “castrated” belief directly, the emotion might surface in unrelated areas of life.

This intricate dance of denial and indirect engagement leads us to a paradoxical realization: some people, embracing a godless world, anticipate absolute freedom. Yet, paradoxically, their unconscious may not concur. It’s not the desires that are being suppressed – it’s the prohibitions. The notion arises that, in the absence of God, everything becomes forbidden rather than everything being permitted. The lack of a divine watchman doesn’t liberate but rather ensnares them in invisible restraints.

Let’s take a simpler example. Remember those times in childhood when parents gave you a choice that wasn’t a true choice? Imagine a child told by their parents, “You know your grandma loves you, but visit her only if you want to.” While it seems like the child has a choice, there’s an underlying pressure to make the “right” choice out of free will. Such false freedom is more oppressive than a direct order, as it takes away even the freedom to rebel. Similarly, in our conscious rejection or acceptance of certain beliefs, our unconscious mind might still be setting its own rules, sometimes even stricter ones.

So, as we tread through our daily lives, holding beliefs and making choices, it’s essential to understand that beneath the surface, our unconscious is constantly shaping, shifting, and often contradicting our conscious decisions.

When rituals mask our true feelings

When you think of your daily rituals, ceremonies, and traditions, have you ever stopped to consider why you do them? Often, our actions are guided by beliefs we think we hold, but perhaps don’t genuinely feel. Lacan spent time considering such things, and this led him to dig deep into the realm of human behavior and beliefs.

Picture this: you’re at a theater watching a tragedy unfolding on stage. Amidst the drama, a choir fills the room with emotion. It acts as a vessel for our feelings, feeling deeply for all of us. It’s as if we’ve outsourced our emotions to this collective entity. This phenomenon isn’t confined to theater. From hired mourners weeping at funerals to Tibetan prayer wheels turning, seemingly praying for us, Lacan’s insights suggest that often it’s as if another entity, a symbolic “Other”, can experience or perform actions on our behalf. Consider the canned laughter in TV shows. The laughter on the show does it for you, regardless of your own reaction, which creates a sense of collective joy.

This curious concept has a name: interpassivity. It’s not only about being passive while others act on our behalf. There’s an underlying, almost paradoxical, active element to it. Take watchlists on our favorite platforms, for instance. We add series and films to it, thinking we’ll watch them later. But often, we never do. Just knowing that the content is there, ready to be watched, provides a sense of satisfaction. It’s as though the platform has watched it for us. On the other hand, in the ritual of daily news consumption, for example, we often immerse ourselves in it not to seek change but to find reassurance in the familiarity of the world’s narrative, an endless activity that paradoxically aims to keep our worldviews intact.

One might wonder if such actions and beliefs are authentic. And that’s where Lacan’s idea of the subject supposed to believe comes into play. It’s a concept that implies that our beliefs and actions can be delegated to this symbolic Other. It doesn’t necessarily mean we genuinely believe or feel those emotions ourselves. It’s as if someone else holds the conviction, and we merely play along. Like in the popular 1970s TV series Columbo, the detective seems to magically know who the culprit is from the get-go. There’s no discovery for him, but rather, a process of proving the known truth to the guilty party. The real mystery isn’t about the act but the revelation and acknowledgment.

At the end of the day, our lives are filled with actions and beliefs that, on the surface, might seem genuine. However, digging deeper, Lacan’s theories suggest that many of our behaviors are performed on behalf of this symbolic Other.

The real challenge? Recognizing when we’re genuinely engaged and when we’ve outsourced our emotions and beliefs to this unseen presence.


Our unconscious beliefs shape our choices, sometimes contradicting our conscious decisions. While some actions seem genuine, they may be driven by a symbolic Other, suggesting our emotions and convictions can be outsourced, highlighting the complexities of the human psyche.

About the Author

Slavoj Žižek is a Slovenian philosopher and cultural critic. He is a professor at the European Graduate School, International Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, Birkbeck College, University of London, and a senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His books include Living in the End TimesFirst as Tragedy, Then as FarceIn Defense of Lost Causes, four volumes of the Essential Žižek, and many more.