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How to Achieve Goals with Disciplined Action

Disciplined action is the key to success in any endeavor. Whether you want to lose weight, start a business, write a book, or learn a new skill, you need to have the self-control and mental toughness to stick to your plan and overcome any obstacles. But how do you develop disciplined action? How do you make it a habit that drives you towards your goals?

In this book, Daniel Walter reveals the secrets of discipline that he learned from studying the Navy SEALs, the Zen Buddhists, and the most successful people in the world. He shows you how to master your mind, body, and emotions, and how to use them to your advantage. He also gives you practical strategies and tips to make disciplined action fun, exciting, and rewarding. By applying the principles in this book, you will be able to achieve anything you set your mind to, and become an unstoppable force of nature.

If you are ready to transform your life with disciplined action, then you need to read this book. It will give you the tools, the motivation, and the inspiration you need to make your dreams a reality. Don’t wait any longer. Click the button below and get your copy of The Power of Discipline by Daniel Walter today!


Self-help, productivity, nonfiction, psychology, personal development, business, mental health, motivation, success, leadership.

How to Achieve Goals with Disciplined Action

The Power of Discipline by Daniel Walter is a comprehensive guide to developing discipline and achieving success in life. The book provides practical advice on how to develop discipline, set achievable goals, and stay motivated towards achieving one’s goals. The book is divided into three parts:

  • Part one explains the concept and importance of discipline, and how it can help you overcome your limitations and challenges. It also introduces the four pillars of discipline: focus, willpower, habits, and routines.
  • Part two reveals the secrets of discipline that the author learned from studying the Navy SEALs, the Zen Buddhists, and the most successful people in the world. It shows you how to master your mind, body, and emotions, and how to use them to your advantage. It also teaches you how to make hard work exciting, how to ditch your bad habits and adopt the habits of successful people, and how to keep going when your motivation runs out.
  • Part three gives you a step-by-step plan to apply the principles of discipline to your own life and goals. It helps you identify your purpose, vision, and values, and how to align them with your actions. It also helps you create a realistic and effective action plan, and how to track your progress and results. It also gives you tips on how to deal with setbacks, distractions, and temptations, and how to celebrate your achievements and rewards.


The Power of Discipline by Daniel Walter is a well-written, well-researched, and well-organized book that delivers on its promise. It is not a typical self-help book that offers vague and generic advice, but a powerful guide that provides concrete and actionable steps to help you develop discipline and achieve your goals.

The book is based on scientific evidence, personal experience, and real-life examples that make it easy to understand and relate to. The book is also engaging and inspiring, as it shows you the benefits and possibilities of discipline, and how it can change your life for the better. The book is suitable for anyone who wants to improve their personal or professional life, and who is willing to put in the work and effort required.

The book is not a magic pill that will solve all your problems, but a tool that will help you unlock your potential and unleash your power. The book is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn how to achieve their goals with disciplined action.


For instance, research shows that waking up early to exercise improves eating habits, productivity, and patience with coworkers and loved ones. And using some discipline on Sunday to do weekly meal prep can lead to disciplined eating throughout the week, fewer food cravings, and greater focus at work.

Think through the big four areas of your life: health, relationships, work, and finances, to identify one disciplined action you could take to create the greatest sense of self-control and a domino effect of discipline throughout your life.

Once you’ve chosen your disciplined action, temper your expectations. Discipline is a skill, and like all skills, it’s subject to the Dunning-Kruger effect. Dunning-Kruger effect states that when people develop a skill, they overestimate their initial ability, leading many to quit after falling short of their expectations. Therefore, to avoid being demoralized early on, assume that taking disciplined action will be harder than you think initially but easier over time.

If you stick with a disciplined behavior, it will become the status quo and you’ll feel weird if don’t do it. To reach this point, you need to adopt the habits of highly disciplined people. And there may be no group of people more disciplined than Shaolin monks.

Practice monk-like discipline

Shaolin monks sacrifice the pleasures of modern-day life to wake up in a cold temple before dawn every day, practice meditation and martial arts, and study spiritual texts with unwavering discipline.

Here’s how:

  1. They’re mission-driven – their life is dedicated to spiritual progress, and that dedication supersedes any short-term discomfort. If you can dedicate yourself to a mission that you deem more important than immediate pleasure, you’ll have an immense capacity to stay disciplined. If you need a mission, dedicate every day to being the best version of yourself and inspire others to do the same. When you start each day with this mission in mind, you will prime yourself for disciplined action.
  2. Monks live in a constant state of gratitude. Monks have almost nothing, so they learn to appreciate small everyday things like a warm cup of tea in the morning. A 2016 study by DeSteno and Dickens showed that when people are in a state of gratitude, they have more self-control and are more resilient. Therefore, use common behaviors like unlocking your phone or drinking water as triggers to think of five things you’re thankful for so that you can perpetually live in a state of gratitude and bolster your self-discipline.
  3. Monks practice mindfulness. When monks have the urge to be undisciplined, they observe the urge come and go without being controlled by it. They develop this skill through years of meditation. Luckily, you don’t need to meditate for years to be mindful; you just need to imagine a two-minute timer between you and your urges. When you have an urge to be undisciplined, like wanting to watch a few YouTube videos before you get started on your work, imagine a two-minute timer between you and your desire. As you picture the timer counting down, wonder where the urge came from inside your body. Then, when you feel like the two minutes are up, ask yourself, “Do I want to give in as badly as I did two minutes ago?” When you realize that an urge to give in is getting less intense, you can trust that that urge is temporary and will soon die if you don’t give in.

When you combine moments of mindfulness with a state of gratitude and a mission worth being uncomfortable for, you’ll find that you can fight off laziness and live a disciplined life. But even though you know how to fight, you should do everything you can to avoid fighting.

Make discipline the default choice

Monks don’t have to fight their urges often because they live in an environment designed for discipline. They don’t have phones or digital devices to divert their attention, and they live in simple, purposeful spaces where little can distract them from their spiritual and physical disciplines. Design your environment for discipline by making disciplined choices more accessible.

For example, I’ve removed the foods I like to snack on before bed from my house and put items that curb my cravings, like herbal tea and stevia gum with cinnamon, on my kitchen counter, so they are my default choice.

The most effective way to stay disciplined is to create an environment that supports a disciplined life.

“You might have all the knowledge, talent, or skill in the world, but because of a lack of discipline, you will never make it. I believe there are better basketball players than Michael Jordan, better singers than the late Whitney Houston, and people with better business ideas than Elon Musk, but the world will never know them because they have no self-discipline.” – Daniel Walter