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4 “Crazy” Rules for a Happier Life

As I write and speak on happiness, I’m typically straightforward. But today I’m going to sneak my message in through some “crazy” sounding ideas.

4 “Crazy” Rules for a Happier Life

4 “Crazy” Rules for a Happier Life

I think as you delve into them, you will start seeing that these initially surprising principles can actually start making a huge difference in your life—fast!

So, read on, my friends…

Content Summary

Be judgmental
Be self-centered
Quit working, start playing
Talk about people behind their backs

Be judgmental

Yes, judge everyone you meet. Judge them as competent, caring, kind people who are doing the best they can. Judge them as people who are fighting battles you know nothing about, and judge them as people who are going to be—more often than not—a friend, if you are friendly to them.

If they reciprocate your gesture, you win. If they don’t reciprocate, you’ve taken the high road of virtue, and you still win.

Be self-centered

Well, as off the wall as that sounds, here’s what I mean: So often when things aren’t going well in our lives, we start looking for places or people to place blame upon. Instead, let’s start looking within ourselves and start using these situations to grow our strength, courage and impeccability to a new level.

As we reach those new levels, we will proportionally see how events and people in our lives seem to surprisingly start reflecting those changes—we’ll start becoming the change we want to have around us.

Quit working, start playing

I think I just heard a collective gasp out there! “Sure,” you might say, “I would love to play more, but…I have to work,” and I understand. But, in my book Grateful for Everything, I discuss the concept of turning our work into play—or looking at life as a great, challenging game. It is not only possible, it’s a wise, empowering decision.

As we start looking for the game and the fun in what we do, we start changing our perspective and we start realizing that the concept of “finding the game” brings a whole new sense of engagement and a feeling of independence.

Only we can decide on choosing this playful perspective, but when we do, we will find less stress, less fatigue, more creativity…and the results are contagious.

Talk about people behind their backs

Talk about them…but in a good way. Few people will have the courage and trust and security to spend time sharing words of encouragement and affirmation about others—when they know those words may never be heard by the one they were speaking of.

But talking “good” about others when they are not around is uplifting to you, the person you are speaking with, and anyone else nearby. Plus, it reminds the listener that when they aren’t around, you’re probably speaking well of them too!

OK, now that you know the rules, it’s time to take action. Start adding these concepts into your day a little at a time, and watch how you feel more empowered, more content, and maybe even… “crazy” happy!