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The 80 Best Micro Habits to Change Your Life

You might not think small changes will make a large impact on your life, but you’d be mistaken. Try these micro habits today.

What’s one tiny thing you can do every day to change your life for the better?

You might think that such a small change wouldn’t make much of a difference, but nothing could be further from the truth. When it comes to making lasting changes in our lives, it’s the little things that count. And that’s what micro habits are all about.

To help you out, we’ve put together this list of the best micro habits that you should practice. Build them up slowly into your routine, and soon enough you’ll notice small yet marked improvements to your life.

The 80 Best Micro Habits to Change Your Life

Content Summary

Discover What Kind of Life You Want
Clear the Mental Obstacles in Your Path
Start Saying “Yes” More Often
Train Your Brain
Start Eating Better
Get Moving
Get Organized
Start Saving Money
Build Stronger Relationships and Social Skills
Take Care of Your Tech

Discover What Kind of Life You Want

Tip 1: Define your goals. What do you want to achieve in life? What are your priorities?

Tip 2: Make a plan. Once you know what you want, figure out how to get there.

Tip 3: Take action. Start working towards your goals today.

Tip 4: Track your progress. Keep track of what you’re doing and how it’s going by writing things down.

Tip 5: Make a promise to yourself. Write out an oath in which you swear to act towards your goals and never give up.

Clear the Mental Obstacles in Your Path

Tip 6: Get out of your own way. Don’t let fear stop you from starting and achieving your goals.

Tip 7: Be confident that you will accomplish what you set out to do.

Tip 8: Become aware of the excuses you tell yourself as a cover for procrastination and laziness.

Tip 9: Just do it! Don’t overthink things; just take the first step and keep going from there.

Tip 10: Stop comparing yourself to others and start living your own life.

Start Saying “Yes” More Often

Tip 11: Say yes more often. When someone asks you to do something, say yes!

Tip 12: Take on new challenges. Remember, a new habit is much easier to keep than the one you’ve been working on for years.

Tip 13: Allow yourself to succeed at something new.

Tip 14: Learn from rejection and criticism by taking it in stride and listening to what other people have to say when you’re being tested or challenged in some way.

Tip 15: Don’t say no until you’ve thought about what it is that you’re saying no to.

Train Your Brain

Tip 16: Think positively. Affirmations are great for repeating positive statements to yourself when you need a little cheering up or motivation.

Tip 17: Use visualization techniques to imagine yourself achieving your goals.

Tip 18: Solve your problems by first thinking about them before acting or speaking.

Tip 19: Challenge yourself to learn something new every day.

Tip 20: Take time for yourself to relax and recharge.

Start Eating Better

Tip 21: Start eating better by planning your meals and thinking about how much you’re eating.

Tip 22: Limit high-calorie snacks like sugary candy bars, pastries, and potato chips to once a week or once every other day if you can’t resist them.

Tip 23: Make it easy for yourself by keeping healthy food around the house and at work.

Tip 24: Drink more water. It’s great for your skin, hair, and overall health.

Tip 25: Avoid eating late at night.

Tip 26: Try to eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods.

Tip 27: Eat breakfast every day to start your day off right.

Tip 28: Cut down on processed meats like beef, pork, and chicken.

Get Moving

Tip 29: Get moving just a bit every day by taking walks or riding your bike to work.

Tip 30: Start with small goals that are easy for you to achieve, so you’ll have an easier time reaching the ones that follow.

Tip 31: Set yourself up for success by creating a “just right” exercise schedule.

Tip 32: Stay motivated with workout videos, music playlists, or podcasts that keep you energized and excited to move more.

Tip 33: Don’t sweat the small stuff; just do your best and don’t worry about it if you can’t do every rep or set of every exercise perfectly.

Tip 34: Make sure you’re lifting weights that are challenging for you.

Tip 35: Take a break when you need it, and don’t feel guilty about it.

Tip 36: Celebrate your accomplishments along the way, no matter how small they may seem.

Get Organized

Tip 37: Declutter your space to get organized.

Tip 38: Stay on top of things by being tidy and cleaning up after yourself throughout the day.

Tip 39: Keep a schedule for yourself that lists things you need or want to do each day of the week, and mark them off when they’re done.

Tip 40: Get a planner, a calendar, or an app to keep track of your appointments, deadlines, and events.

Tip 41: Make a list of things you need to buy at the grocery store, so you don’t have to spend time thinking about it later.

Tip 42: Sort your clothes by color, type, or season to make getting dressed in the morning easier.

Tip 43: Create a “to-do” list at the end of each day that lists everything you accomplished.

Tip 44: Get rid of clutter to make your home more comfortable and functional.

Tip 45: Form good habits by following a routine that’s easy for you to stick to.

Tip 46: Organize your thoughts and ideas by writing them down in a journal or notebook.

Tip 47: Make it a habit to do one thing each day that helps you get closer to your goals.

Tip 48: Remove distractions from your environment so you can focus on the task at hand.

Tip 49: Use labels and folders to keep your paperwork sorted and organized.

Tip 50: Make your bed at the start of each day. You’ll be surprised the difference it makes.

Tip 51: Set aside time each day to deal with tasks that you’ve been procrastinating on.

Start Saving Money

Tip 52: Stop wasting money on things you don’t need.

Tip 53: Create a budget so you can see exactly where your money is going each month.

Tip 54: Use cash instead of credit cards to limit your spending, especially if it’s not in the budget.

Tip 55: Give yourself an allowance for entertainment expenses each week or month to not overspend.

Tip 56: Make a goal to save a certain amount of money each month or year.

Tip 57: Sell things you don’t use or need anymore to make some extra cash.

Tip 58: Invest your money in a way that will help it grow over time.

Tip 59: Compare prices before you buy anything to ensure you’re getting a fair deal.

Build Stronger Relationships and Social Skills

Tip 60: Make an effort to socialize with people you don’t know well.

Tip 61: Smile at people, even if you don’t know them.

Tip 62: Talk to strangers sometimes; it can be a great way to get to know new people and make new friends.

Tip 63: Offer to help someone out if they look like they’re struggling.

Tip 64: Take the time to listen to others and pay attention to what they’re saying.

Tip 65: Try to be more understanding and less judgmental.

Tip 66: Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself.

Tip 67: Let go of relationships that are toxic or draining.

Tip 68: Apologize if you’ve hurt someone’s feelings or made a mistake.

Tip 69: Ask for what you want and need in your relationships without being demanding, entitled, or burdened.

Tip 70: Be conscious of what you say to other people so that they don’t feel put down or demeaned by you.

Tip 71: Make time to spend with the people you love.

Tip 72: Try to plan at least one fun outing each month with your friends or family.

Tip 73: Introduce yourself to the people around you instead of waiting for them to come to you.

Take Care of Your Tech

Tip 74: Back up your computer files regularly, so you don’t lose important information if something happens to your device.

Tip 75: Delete programs and apps you don’t use anymore to free up your phone or computer space.

Tip 76: Keep your operating system and software up-to-date to protect yourself from security threats.

Tip 77: Turn off notifications, so you don’t get distracted by every buzz or ding that comes your way.

Tip 78: Find out how much data you’re using on your cell phone plan and reduce it if necessary to avoid overages.

Tip 79: Unsubscribe from emails that are cluttering up your inbox that you never read, especially spam.

Tip 80: Be aware of online scams and phishing attempts, and protect yourself by being skeptical of what you see on the web.