If Google Ads is any part of your advertising strategy, you know it’s important to find the right keywords—and negative keywords—to fuel your campaigns.
Easy, right? Well, not exactly.
Finding keywords seems like the easiest step in setting up your campaign… but there are lots of costly mistakes you can make along the way.
Especially if your campaign has already been running for some time.
Here’s a list of extremely common—and commonly overlooked—keyword mistakes you can fix right now:
- Not routinely cleaning your search terms report. Most people add keywords and negative keywords when setting up their campaigns, but then forget to check their search term report regularly for new keyword ideas. Don’t set it and forget it!
- Blocking keywords in your account. Make sure your negative keywords aren’t negating keywords in your account. For example, if your competitor is called Red Hotel, having the phrase “Red Hotel Booking” as a negative keyword will block any keyword in your account that includes “Hotel Booking” in it.
- Including competing keywords in your campaign. Using the same keywords in multiple ad groups in your campaign can cause those keywords to bid against each other. Not good.
There you go… three mistakes to avoid as you run Google Ads.
If you’re making them, log into your account now and make a few quick fixes.
You’ll free up your campaigns to work smarter—and better.