How to Attract Money (1959) is a classic handbook on how to grow your wealth and enrichen your life spiritually, mentally and materially. It shows how, by training your mind and your subconscious, you can gear yourself toward a life of abundance and fulfillment.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Learn how to attract a life of wealth and possibility.
When you imagine being rich, what do you actually picture? You might think of a beautiful mansion with luxury cars parked outside. Maybe you picture sipping champagne on a yacht at sunset. Or maybe it’s sending your children to an expensive school for a world-class education.
Whatever you imagine, there’s probably something in common. You’re imagining an experience that involves being happy, healthy and supported. Money is not what makes you happy or fulfilled, but money allows you to live a full, happy life.
It’s your right to be rich. You deserve to live a happy, healthy and abundant life, and that means you deserve to have the means you support that life. So if you’re interested in changing your attitude toward money, and attracting wealth in the process, look no further than this summary.
Don’t romanticize poverty
We are conditioned to think that money is evil. Movies and TV shows love to portray money as a corrupting force. But money isn’t some mystical thing driving people towards bad behavior. It’s a system for swapping goods and services.
There is nothing inherently evil about money, and wanting more is not an evil thought. In fact, thinking about money as evil can be very dangerous.
Let’s change our perception a little by thinking about money as a symbol of exchange.
When you think, “I want more money”, what you’re actually thinking is that you want the capacity to do things that require money. For you, that could be anything from buying your partner a beautiful piece of jewelry, to just wanting to buy groceries without worrying your card will bounce. Money is not the goal, the goal is something that money facilitates.
It’s not evil to want a better life. In fact, it’s one of the most natural desires for a human. Security, health, happiness, an education, a future for your children – none of these things are evil. So why would it be evil to want the tool that allows you to achieve them?
Often, people have a subconscious aversion to pursuing their financial goals because they think that poverty is virtuous and wealth is evil.
Of course, people can do awful things for money, and can do awful things with the money they have. But when we consider money as a symbol of exchange, rather than an end in itself, money as “evil” starts to seem like superstition. The same electricity that powers your house could just as easily kill someone, but that doesn’t make it evil. Nor does it make a dark room somehow virtuous.
Our ingrained ideas about wealth impact our relationship with money. So if you want to improve your financial reality, you need to address your subconscious negative thoughts around it. Let’s look at how.
What you believe shapes your life
Our beliefs create our reality. This is a core concept not only in psychology but also in faith. And it means that the only thing preventing you from living an abundant life is you believing that you can’t.
The author once worked with an Australian man who desperately wanted to be a doctor, but didn’t have the money for college and hadn’t even finished high school. He made a living by cleaning for the doctors he wanted to be like.
In that situation, it’s easy to be taken over by negative thoughts. “I’m not smart enough.” “I’ll never be able to pay for it.” “I’m too old.”
Instead, the man went to bed each night imagining his name on the diplomas he had to clean. He didn’t accept the negative doubts or assumptions, and committed to the dream. When one of the doctors in the office found out, he started training the man to become a technical assistant. He was taught how to sterilize instruments, prepare injections and do some basic first aid.
Seeing the student’s passion and talent, this doctor eventually paid for him to finish high school and go to medical school. He ended up becoming a prominent doctor in Montreal. The man had turned his dream into a conviction, paving the way for its fulfillment.
By interrupting negative assumptions, you open the way for new possibilities in your reality. Your actions are often impacted by the subconscious movements of your mind, inner feelings and convictions. By influencing the subconscious, you’re setting the North on a compass that you’re compelled to follow in the deepest sense. Naturally, you’re guided toward success.
How to change your mind
“Think positive” isn’t exactly groundbreaking advice, and it’s easier said than done. After all, a lot of our negative thoughts are subconscious or intrusive.
But if wealth comes from a state of mind, then one way to impact that is through affirmations.
Relax into a meditative state. You might choose to do this whilst falling asleep at night, or if you have a quiet moment during the day. Let your mind wander over questions about wealth. What does it actually mean? Where does wealth come from? How does money flow?
Once you’re relaxed, repeat affirmations of wealth to yourself. For the author, this is synonymous with prayer. He explains that God created an abundance in the world, and wealth is always flowing freely. That means that prayers of financial affirmation will help us to overcome subconscious blocks that keep us from wealth.
If you’re starting out with affirmations, just trying to tell yourself “I am wealthy” or “I am successful” doesn’t work. Saying things that you believe to be false can actually strengthen your belief in the opposite. If you only have ten cents in your pocket, you might feel embarrassed or ashamed in calling yourself wealthy.
You’ll want to start with affirmations that your conscious and subconscious can agree on. “My wealth is growing.” “Every day I am more successful.” It’s easier for you to agree that things are on an upward slope than to imagine they are already at the top.
As your relationship with money and success become more positive, more ambitious affirmations will become easier. If you treat the end as inevitable, the steps toward it are always possible.
Stealing from yourself
By now we’ve learned that in order to attract money, you need to foster positive ideas around your own wealth and financial situation. But this also means being conscious of how you think about other people’s wealth.
Feelings of jealousy, envy and bitterness all damage your relationship with your finances. If you allow these feelings to grow unchecked, you are feeding the parts of your subconscious that believe you are lacking, and that keep you from harnessing your own potential.
Imagine a colleague has just gotten a promotion over you. If your response to this is that you feel robbed, you begin to psychologically disengage with the company or your work. It’s easy to be caught up in what thing was “taken” from you. But if you guide yourself into feeling happy for that colleague, you are able to stay engaged and foster the relationships that could help you succeed in the future.
Similarly, gaining wealth at the expense of others can negatively affect your relationship with money. Consider the example of a woman who, during a war, knew that coffee would be rationed. She went from shop to shop, buying out as much coffee as she could store in her house. Later, when she was out, someone broke in and stole the entire stock, as well as her jewelry and silver.
The lady would claim that she had never stolen herself. However, she was in a mindset of lacking, and hoarding coffee was at the expense of everyone else. By allowing her negative thoughts to guide her, she negatively impacted others, and created exactly the thing that she was afraid of. Fear of lacking created lacking.
Remember that money is the symbol of exchange. Having money itself does not make you wealthy, but money is a mechanism for experiences or feelings of stability. If the means by which you’re gaining money negatively impact your experiences or feelings in the future, you’re simply stealing from your future self.
Ask yourself, “What is the purpose of attracting money?” This isn’t a trick question, or an attack on the morality of having money. It’s a reminder not to lose sight of the goal in pursuit of the symbol.
Improving your psychological relationship with your finances is the key to attracting money. Training your subconscious to have positive thoughts about money will lead to better decisions and a wealthier life.
Your beliefs shape your reality, so be aware of how you see your own wealth and that of others, and use positive affirmations to address your subconscious doubts about your own capacity for wealth. You are the captain of your ship. Point it in the direction you want to go, and the rest will follow.
You are entirely capable of living a life that is abundant, and to have the money to support that life. The only thing that’s holding you back is you.
About the Author
Joseph Murphy
Psychology, Money, Investments
Author Joseph Murphy’s book, “How to Attract Money: Train Your Subconscious to Grow Mentally and Materially,” is a comprehensive guide that delves into the power of the subconscious mind and its influence on attracting wealth and abundance. Murphy, a renowned expert in the field of personal development and the subconscious mind, provides readers with practical techniques and insights to unlock their financial potential.
The book begins by establishing the premise that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, including our financial circumstances. Murphy emphasizes the importance of cultivating a positive mindset and eliminating limiting beliefs about money. He asserts that by harnessing the power of the subconscious mind, individuals can transform their financial situation and attract prosperity.
One of the key strengths of Murphy’s work is his ability to explain complex concepts in a straightforward manner. He provides numerous real-life examples and success stories, which help readers relate to the principles and techniques he presents. The book is structured in a logical and organized manner, making it easy to follow and implement the strategies outlined.
Murphy introduces readers to a variety of techniques and exercises designed to reprogram the subconscious mind for financial success. These techniques include visualization, affirmations, and the use of imagination to create a prosperous future. The author illustrates how these practices can help individuals align their conscious and subconscious minds, thereby attracting wealth and opportunities into their lives.
Furthermore, Murphy explores the role of gratitude and generosity in attracting money. He emphasizes the importance of cultivating a mindset of abundance and giving freely to others. By adopting these qualities, readers can create a positive ripple effect that contributes to their financial growth and overall well-being.
While the book primarily focuses on the subject of money and wealth, Murphy also touches upon broader aspects of personal development. He highlights the significance of self-discipline, perseverance, and maintaining a strong work ethic in achieving financial success. These insights add depth to the book, making it useful not only for those seeking financial abundance but also for individuals seeking personal growth in various areas of their lives.
Although Murphy’s teachings are rooted in metaphysical principles, he presents them in a practical and relatable manner. He avoids excessive jargon and provides clear instructions, making the material accessible to readers from different backgrounds and belief systems. Moreover, the book encourages readers to take responsibility for their financial circumstances and empowers them to take action towards their goals.
In terms of critique, some readers may find that the book primarily focuses on the power of positive thinking and visualization, while not addressing potential external factors that may influence financial success. While the techniques presented by Murphy are powerful and effective, it is important to acknowledge that individual circumstances may vary, and financial success can be influenced by a combination of internal and external factors.
In conclusion, “How to Attract Money: Train Your Subconscious to Grow Mentally and Materially” by Joseph Murphy is an insightful and practical guide for those seeking to transform their financial situation. With its emphasis on the power of the subconscious mind and the practical techniques provided, the book offers readers a roadmap to attract wealth and abundance into their lives. Murphy’s clear writing style, real-life examples, and inclusion of broader personal development principles make this book a valuable resource for individuals looking to enhance their financial well-being and personal growth.