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Summary: Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace by John C. Maxwell

Key Takeaways

  • Do you want to be a leader who can adapt and thrive in the fast-changing world of today? If so, you might be interested in reading Leadershift by John C. Maxwell, a book that reveals the 11 essential changes every leader must embrace to lead successfully in any situation.
  • To find out more about the book and how it can help you develop and transform your leadership, read the full summary and review below. You will discover the 11 shifts that will make you a more flexible, confident, and impactful leader, and how to apply them with simple and proven strategies. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from one of the best in the field of leadership. Read on and get ready to leadershift your life!

The world is moving so fast — what an organization might have taken 10 years to accomplish in the past can now be accomplished in two years. This quick rate of change means that organizations need changeable, adaptable leaders. In his book of Leadershift, author John C. Maxwell describes 11 types of change you should make as a leader to shift from good to great leadership. In this book summary, you’ll explore eight of these changes to help you keep adapting and improving yourself as a leader.

Make the shift from good to great leadership.


  • Want to become a better, more adaptive leader
  • Have taken on new responsibilities and want to know the best way to succeed
  • Want to surround yourself with a great team to execute a new, exciting idea


Change confronts leaders with disorienting situations and baffling challenges. Figuring out the best route amid change can discomfit even the most level-headed executive. When you face turbocharged change, turn to leadership expert John C. Maxwell. He explains how to adapt and change gears by making “leadershifts” to meet the demands of the future. Maxwell’s coaching will help you direct your firm and your people calmly and capably despite upheaval. His inspiring advice will help mature leaders, give a lift to overwhelmed junior execs and encourage potential leaders to embrace their courage.

Book Summary: Leadershift - The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace


  • Management theory used to be in vogue; the emphasis has shifted to leadership tactics.
  • Everything now moves faster than ever before. Change is the new constant.
  • Innovative leadership must show the way.
  • Leaders must stay flexible and adapt quickly to change.
  • They must become adept amid uncertainty.
  • The most critical change-management tactics are “leadershifts”– dynamic directional changes that have a positive impact on your organization and employees.
  • People who can execute a leadershift have open minds; they love change, innovation, new ideas, options and creativity.
  • The 11 leadershifts include moving from “positional authority to moral authority” and focusing on “ladder-building” instead of “ladder-climbing.”
  • Engage in seven leadership practices, including continual learning, dealing courageously with uncertainty and keeping your eye on the future.
  • Leaders should be alert for opportunities to “learn something new, try something different, find something better” and “see something bigger.”

Introduction: Why Every Leader Needs to Leadershift

The world is changing at an incredible pace, and the world’s leaders must be able to change with it. Where a long-range plan for an organization used to be 10 years, today “long-range” means about two years. Leaders must be able to “leadershift” by taking on leadership changes that enhance themselves and their organizations. Every time you take on new leadership roles, you’ll be required to change the way you think, act, and lead.

That adaptability requires constant learning and relearning. What brought you and your organization success in the past may not apply in the future, so your job as a leader will involve relearning your role. Howard Schultz, the former CEO of Starbucks, started out as a hands-on leader. When Starbucks went public, the company’s growth made it impossible for him to know everyone and do everything, so he shifted from a hands-on leader to an expert in the company’s bigpicture planning.

According to author John C. Maxwell, there are 11 types of leadershifts you may need to make throughout the course of your career.

  1. Soloist to Conductor: This involves a shift from focusing on yourself to focusing on your team.
  2. Goals to Growth: Instead of focusing on meeting goals, you focus on continual inner growth.
  3. Perks to Price: Avoid only focusing on the perceived perks of leadership; instead, be aware that leadership comes with many prices.
  4. Pleasing to Challenging: It’s tempting to try to please everyone, but great leaders focus on challenging their followers.
  5. Maintaining to Creating: If you want to be a truly inspiring leader, you can’t coast; you must adopt a creative mindset.
  6. Ladder Climbing to Ladder Building: Once you’ve climbed the ladder, you should focus on creating new leaders.
  7. Directing to Connecting: Great leaders don’t just give instructions; they focus on helping others become their best selves.
  8. Uniformity to Diversity: Focus on embracing diversity within your team to transform your organization.
  9. Positional Authority to Moral Authority: Having a leadership position doesn’t make you a leader; your values do.
  10. Trained Leaders to Transformational Leaders: Focus on why you lead, not just how you lead.
  11. Career to Calling: Lead in an area you’re passionate about, and you might change the world.

In this book summary, you’ll explore eight of these leadershifts, so you can keep evolving, improving, and succeeding as a great leader.

Soloist to Conductor

The most important aspect of your leadership is your team. After all, you can’t lead without followers. You must realize that you’re not the key to their success — they’re the key to yours. It’s good when people serve their leaders, but it’s great when leaders serve their people.

South Korean conductor Han-Na Chang serves as an excellent example of this concept. She started her career as a cellist, and in this role as an instrumentalist, her chief concern was the sound of her instrument. When she became a conductor, however, she had to shift her focus to the sound she could help the entire orchestra produce. Each orchestra is different, and she must get to know every orchestra she conducts and unite them behind a vision for the music.

Good leaders don’t forge ahead with a mission on their own. Instead, they slow down and help their followers achieve the mission together. To make the shift from soloist to conductor, you’ll have to stop focusing on yourself and start focusing on how to help your followers reach their highest potential within the context of the organization’s mission.

To do this, ask yourself two questions every day: How can you add value to others, and what opportunities do you have to help others? Never wait to add value to others; do it early and unprompted. Most importantly, give to your followers without an expectation of receiving anything in return. If you receive a return, consider it an unexpected blessing.

Goals to Growth

As a leader, goal-setting is shortsighted when you consider the long run. Once you achieve your goals, you’ll have to ask yourself what’s next. Additionally, many goals come from extrinsic motivations that have more to do with keeping up good appearances. Growth, on the other hand, is a continual process, and it focuses on intrinsic motivations: those having to do with creating inner value and living and leading according to your priorities.

Truett Cathy, the founder of Chick-fil-A, took a growth mindset early in the company’s history. When others in the business pressured him to make the company bigger, he focused on making the company better. “If we get better,” he said, “our customers will demand that we get bigger.”

Growth is about learning. To shift to a growth mindset, look for opportunities to learn, document what you’ve learned, and pass on what you’ve learned to others. Never let fear of failure stop you from learning. In fact, you should be failing as early and as often as possible so that you can learn from your failures.

Pleasing People to Challenging People

Maxwell started his career in a small church in Indiana. As their pastor, he tried to make everyone happy. When he took down a painting he hated in the church’s lobby, people complained, so he put it back up. When he missed a basketball game, the parents and coach complained, so he went out of his way to try to please them. For two years, he ran around making sure that unhappy people were happy, but all it made him feel was guilt, which affected his ability to lead.

Realize this: You can’t make everyone happy, and you won’t get everyone to like you. When you try to please people, you wind up focusing on the least happy, least committed members of the organization. You must ask people for their best if that’s what you want to receive. This means you must focus on challenging your followers, rather than pleasing everyone.

Shifting to a challenging mindset is about expectations. First, don’t expect to be everyone’s friend. Your priorities should be what’s best for the organization, what’s best for others, and what’s best for you — in that order. To challenge your followers, establish your expectations for them early. Otherwise you’ll be working on assumptions about everyone’s expectations, and assumptions are no kind of strategy at all.

Finally, understand that 25% of the people who follow you are never going to be happy, 25% are going to follow you no matter what, and the middle 50% will be undecided. Your job is to ignore the bottom 25%, keep them away from the undecided middle, and value and appreciate the people who are already on board.

Maintaining to Creating

Maintaining is coasting, and in many professions, it’s rewarded because maintaining and coasting lead to tenure. Is tenure your goal, or do you want to be the kind of leader who creates and transforms?

To shift to a creating mindset, build a creative culture in your organization. Support your own and others’ passions, celebrate new ideas, encourage autonomy, and minimize hierarchy. At Menlo Innovations, CEO Rich Sheridan created a system for his employees in which they serve on cross-functional teams of two to work on one particular issue for a week. The next week, teams rotate. This ensures that each person’s ideas and contributions can be seen and heard, and problems can be solved creatively.

As a creative leader, you’ll need to stay flexible as you make plans, take risks, and accept and learn from failure when it happens — as it inevitably will. The core of creativity is a belief that everything can improve. With this in mind, be opportunistic: Say “yes” to new ideas whenever you can and look for opportunities everywhere. By being a creative leader, you can set your organization ahead of the pack and create a transformative culture.

Ladder Climbing to Ladder Building

Part of being invested in and adding value to the people who follow you is finding people who are well-suited for leadership. When you start your career, you’ll be “climbing the ladder,” which is a great first step because it enables you to set yourself apart.

But once you’ve done that, you can start holding the ladder for others. In other words, you should support those who have leadership potential as they start taking their first steps. This requires a servant mindset, and it allows you to see the other person’s true potential.

After ladder-holding comes ladder-extending, or mentorship. The people who are best suited for leadership and have the most potential are worth an investment of your time and attention. You’ll know you’re ready to extend a ladder when you’re successful, specialized, mature, humble, and excellent at asking the right questions.

Finally, there’s ladder-building. When your mentee is ready to fly on their own, your job is to help them build their own ladder, so they can start holding it for their own followers. Ladder-building is the height of leadership.

Directing to Connecting

Directing is a top-down approach to leadership: You tell others what to do, and they follow your instructions. Connecting, on the other hand, involves really getting to know someone so that you can help them achieve their goals.

Maxwell learned about connection from Bobb Biehl, a business consultant. Maxwell was leading a large church and receiving requests for speaking engagements. He wanted to start a business to handle those engagements and provide resources to smaller churches, but he didn’t know how. Biehl spent the entire first day asking Maxwell questions and recording his answers. New answers prompted new questions, and by the end of the day, Maxwell’s office was covered in paper documenting all his hopes and dreams. Biehl had connected with him and uncovered all the things that were important to Maxwell as he started this new venture. Only then was Biehl ready and able to make recommendations about how to proceed.

Leaders who want to take on a connecting mindset must be humble and otherfocused. Connection requires being willing to ask questions and truly listen to the answers. A connecting leader opens doors for others to talk to them, doesn’t interrupt, and lets others hold them accountable for listening. It requires putting a lot of effort into getting to know and understand others. And it requires that you to encourage others and let them know you believe in them.

Team Uniformity to Team Diversity

Many leaders are used to having teams of people who are exactly like them. After all, you probably like your own ideas, so why not hire other people who agree with them? The problem isn’t just that team uniformity is inequitable — it’s also bad for business. Diversity fills in gaps in knowledge, perspective, and experience. The more diverse your team is, the more likely someone will know how to solve a problem or have a unique idea you’d never think of because they come from a different background.

Leaders might not like or encourage diversity for a few reasons. First, there’s fear of conflict. A diverse team with diverse viewpoints could lead to serious disagreements. In addition, you might not have a diverse enough network to find people who aren’t like you. Or, despite your best intentions, you may have unaddressed, passive prejudices against people who are different from you.

The shift to a diversity mindset is cultural. In your organization, create a culture of sharing knowledge and ideas. You may find out new, incredible things about the people you already have on board, in addition to attracting people with different viewpoints. Understand that equality isn’t really about everyone having the same resources; it’s about giving unique people what they uniquely need. And to counter disagreement and conflict, be your organization’s backbone. Keep everyone united behind your organization’s mission, even as they contribute to it in unique and diverse ways.

Trained Leaders to Transformational Leaders

Trained leaders know the ins and outs of leadership because they’ve learned how to lead intellectually. Transformational leaders know why they lead, love the people they lead, and want to inspire others. They’re leaders with a mission.

Patricia Resick, created Cognitive Processing Therapy, one of the Veterans’ Affairs Administration’s two gold-standard treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). When she started working in rape crisis centers in the 1970s, she saw that there was no treatment for the psychological effects of assault and that the scientific literature on the subject was almost nonexistent. Fired up by this lack of treatment, she took matters into her own hands and formed her own theory on the nature of PTSD. She then adapted Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to uniquely suit the needs of PTSD sufferers, and today, her manual is used to treat victims worldwide.

If you want to become a transformational leader, you must first understand what transformational leaders do: They see things others don’t see, like Dr. Resick’s insight into the need for treatment for victims of trauma. They also say, believe, and feel things that other people simply don’t. In other words, they’re not afraid to doggedly pursue their beliefs.

As a transformational leader, you must first go through the transformation yourself so that you know what your followers are getting into and how to guide them through it. Then, you can cultivate an environment that encourages positive change.


Focus on Leadership, Not on Management

In the 1970s, management, not leadership, was the hot-button business demand, and management expert Peter Drucker called the shots. However, as the 1990s approached, more and more books on leadership began to show up in business bookstores. Readers came to understand that the pace of change was speeding up, and change was becoming increasingly complex. Instead of waves of change, change had become the new constant. This made planning and managing more difficult. Organizations needed innovative leaders to show the way.

“You cannot be the same, think the same and act the same if you hope to be successful in a world that does not remain the same.”

Management theory worked for organizations in times of stability and predictability. But in today’s uncertain, ever-changing world, leadership counts more than management. Eric J. McNulty, director of research at the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative, explains that linear management systems operate according to the premise that “similar inputs will result in similar outputs.” But what was once linear and straightforward now is becoming “both complex and adaptive.” In this transformed environment, flexible and responsive leadership is far more effective than rigid management theory and practice.


The three most desirable attributes for future leaders are “the ability to motivate staff, the ability to work well across cultures” and “the ability to facilitate change.” These attributes depend on another vital trait: adaptability, which is “the ability to change (or to be changed) to fit new circumstances.” For example, water exhibits adaptability when it “molds itself to the pitcher.”

“Good leaders adapt. They shift. They don’t remain static because they know the world around them does not remain static.”

Adaptable leaders aren’t conformists. They have courage and confidence; they strike out in new directions and try new approaches. Nimble, agile leaders cope successfully with uncertainty. Recent research by Right Management found that adaptable, flexible people who can manage change and uncertainty will dominate 91% of all new hires in the future.

Jack Had Better Be Nimble

Cheetahs are blazingly fast. Able to race at 58 miles an hour, they can catch and kill the quickest antelopes. But the cheetah’s speed isn’t what makes it such a deadly predator. The cheetah’s remarkable nimbleness is what enables it to hunt successfully and kill fleet prey animals. In a single stride, a cheetah can decelerate as much as nine miles an hour and can make tight, almost instantaneous turns. It can leap sideways and shift directions with ease and without losing focus on its target.

“Some wake up to an alarm. Some wake up to a calling.”

Similarly, modern leaders must be nimble and able to shift quickly in order to adapt quickly to radically changing circumstances. Nimble leaders must shift fast enough to operate successfully in a turbulent, often unsettling business environment. Adaptable leaders don’t fear change. They stay current, adopt new strategies and try new approaches. If one tactic doesn’t work, they move briskly to another.


People who are capable of executing a leadershift have open minds. They embrace change, innovation, new ideas and creativity. They treasure options. They prefer questions to answers. They learn from the universe.

“You don’t lead by hitting people over the head; that’s assault, not leadership.” (former US president Dwight D. Eisenhower)

In older management systems, leaders would make a 10-year long-range plan, a five-year medium-range plan and a two-year short-range plan. In today’s world, a long-range plan might look ahead no more than two years. Such rapidly moving times call for a new form of leadership and a new generation of leaders who follow seven fundamental leadershift practices:

  1. Continually learn, unlearn and relearn” – Knowledge changes rapidly and requires constant updating. As the Harvard Business Review reported, “The lessons learned in school can become outdated before student loans are paid off.” Leaders must replace what they learned yesterday with what they will learn tomorrow.
  2. Value yesterday but live in today” – Baseball star Babe Ruth said, “Yesterday’s homerun doesn’t win today’s game.” Focus on current challenges, not past glories.
  3. Rely on speed but thrive on timing”– According to folk wisdom, there’s only one good day to eat a pear. Have it a day early or a day late, and you will miss the best taste. Eat your pear on the correct day, and it will be delicious. Timing is everything.
  4. See the big picture as the picture keeps getting bigger” – The more you know about a subject, the more you understand how much you still have to learn. Think of this as “layered learning.” As your knowledge about a subject increases, you gain a more comprehensive understanding of the subject’s context and big picture.
  5. Live in today, but think about tomorrow” – You aren’t a leader only for today. You will be a leader tomorrow, and the day after, and then more days, more weeks, more months, and more years or maybe even decades. Plan accordingly.
  6. Move forward courageously in the midst of uncertainty” – Leaders get paid to deal with uncertainty. They must relish it because it comes with the territory. Betty Bender, former president of the Library Administration and Management Association, explains, “Anything I’ve ever done that ultimately was worthwhile initially scared me to death.”
  7. Realize today’s best will not meet tomorrow’s challenges” – To lead successfully, you must constantly upgrade your skills. In today’s world of radical change, what worked for you in the past might not work for you tomorrow. Spend time planning how to get better.

Look Inside Yourself

Look inward for insights on how to improve your perspective and become a better leader:

  • Learn something new” – Ask yourself, “When’s the last time I learned something for the first time?”
  • Try something different” – Ask yourself, “When’s the last time I did something for the first time?”
  • Find something better” – Ask yourself, “When’s the last time I found something better for the first time?”
  • See something bigger” – Ask yourself, “When’s the last time I saw something bigger for the first time?”

Eleven “Leadershifts”

To be an effective leader, you must deliberately undergo leadershifts in a number of ways. Any progress you make as a leader means changing how you “think, act and lead.” Pursue 11 fundamental leadershift transitions:

  1. “Soloist to conductor”: the “focus shift” – Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar said, “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” He is pointing to a central truth: Significant organizational accomplishments depend on the actions of many people, not only on the actions of single leaders. As a leader, you must move from being an accomplished solo operator to someone who plans and directs the activities of others. Your job is to make sure everyone on your team operates at peak efficiency and productivity. Do all that you can to make sure they all grow professionally.
  2. “Goals to growth”: the “personal development shift” – Goals are great, but the personal growth you experience as you work toward your goals usually will be more meaningful. Personal growth means that you “become better,” which carries even more weight than doing better. Strive for personal development for yourself, your company and the people you lead.
  3. “Perks to price”: the “cost shift” – Many people want to become leaders, but often for the wrong reasons. They want power and authority. They want a corner office and more money. They want to be leaders to get the perks that will come their way, not because they can provide others with enlightened guidance. Leader wannabees have everything backward. Instead of potential perks, leaders should focus on the contributions they can make. True leaders find their motivation in what they give to other people.
  4. “Pleasing people to challenging people”: the “relational shift” – Do you worry about whether the people you lead like you? If some don’t, do you try to bend yourself into a pretzel to please them? That’s not the way to lead. As a leader, you need to be in the “leadership business,” not the “friendship business.” You can’t please everyone, so don’t try. Challenge the people you lead to be the best they can be.
  5. “Maintaining to creating”: the “abundance shift” – Tradition is compelling and has tremendous power. The natural tendency of leaders is to maintain tradition – to conform to the past. However, now everything focuses on innovation, not maintenance. Modern leaders need to wonder, “Why not do it another way – a better way?” This embodies the creative impulse, not the maintenance impulse, and is an example of the attitude open-minded leaders need. They should move from the “comfort zone” of “I do what I have always done” to the “creative zone” of “I attempt to think what I have never thought before.”
  6. “Ladder-climbing to ladder-building”: the “reproduction shift: – Everyone climbing the corporate ladder wants to know, “How high can I go?” Wise leaders understand that a well-lived life involves more than getting to the top. Instead, they help other people get to the top. Ladder-climbing leaders must change radically into ladder builders. They must evolve from holding the ladder, to helping others climb their ladders, and ultimately to extending the ladder to help others grow into ladder builders who help still others construct their own ladders.
  7. “Directing to connecting”: the “communication shift” – Throughout history, leadership has largely been top-down, command-and-control, I’m-in-charge-and-you’re-not. In the past, typical leaders might not have been Moses, but they acted like “Moses Jr.” Leadership was an authoritative, assumptive exercise based on directing others. Today’s leadership focuses on connecting, not directing. It’s collaborative and empowering. Connected leaders listen to the people they lead. You will always be a more effective, productive leader when you ask people questions instead of giving them answers.
  8. “Team uniformity to team diversity”: the “improvement shift” – The Harvard Business Review defines a team as “people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose.” That suggests diversity – a hallmark of a world-class team. Great leaders understand its value. During the American Civil War, US president Abraham Lincoln selected a diverse cabinet of “fierce rivals” so he would get the best advice. Similarly, during World War II, British prime minister Winston Churchill relied on the wise counsel of “political adversaries” like Clement Attlee. Organize your teams for intelligent dissent and adversarial advice.
  9. “Positional authority to moral authority”: the “influence shift” – An unassailable principle applies to you and your current status: Just because your organization designated you as a leader doesn’t mean that you have leadership authority. Instead, you have positional authority, the arbitrary, least influential form of leadership. Your status as leader doesn’t automatically bestow you with influence. Rather than positional authority, strive for moral authority, “the recognition of a person’s leadership influence based on who they are more than the position they hold.”
  10. “Trained leaders to transformational leaders”: the “impact shift” – The move from trained leader to transformational leader could be “the greatest change to your life.” Transformational leaders inspire the people they lead to be big dreamers, to educate themselves, to discover new information and to be the best they can be. Transformational leaders encourage the people they lead to become positive influences in other people’s lives. Transformational leaders are visionaries. They strive to secure a better future for their people; they inspire others with “bold words” and they are confident they can improve the world. They are passionate and believe “in a cause that is much bigger than themselves.” They focus on what James Collins and Jerry Porras call, “big hairy audacious goals.”
  11. “Career to calling”: the “passion shift” – Research indicates that people fall into three categories no matter where they work, or at what level: 1) those who just do a job, 2) those with careers and 3) those with callings. You want to be in the latter category, but finding your calling requires having a long-term perspective. You need to move in a positive direction with other people at your side; they will be your legacy. Great leaders understand that their influence depends on the people who follow them.


The world is constantly and rapidly changing, and you and your organization will need to change with it. To leadershift, you need to behave with forethought and courage. Your horizons will keep expanding as you grow, and you’ll constantly face new challenges.

This means you must always keep improving yourself as a leader. To do this, keep Maxwell’s leadershifts in mind as you go forward in your career, and you’ll find your place as a truly great leader who’s able to adapt to change and succeed in a fast-moving world.

About the author

John C. Maxwell is a New York Times bestselling author, as well as a coach and speaker. The American Management Association has named him the number one leader in business. He also received the Mother Teresa Prize for Global Peace and Leadership from the Luminary Leadership Network.


leadership, business, management, personal development, self-help, psychology, change, innovation, influence, and motivation


Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace by John C. Maxwell is a book that aims to help leaders adapt and grow in the fast-changing world of today. The author, who is a renowned leadership expert and best-selling author, shares his insights and experiences on how to make the necessary shifts in mindset, skills, and strategies to lead effectively in any situation. He identifies 11 essential changes that every leader must embrace, and provides practical guidance on how to implement them.

The book is organized into 11 chapters, each focusing on one of the changes. The changes are:

  • The Focus Shift: from soloist to conductor. This change is about moving from being a self-centered leader who does everything by himself or herself, to being a collaborative leader who empowers and orchestrates others to achieve a common vision.
  • The Personal Development Shift: from goals to growth. This change is about moving from being a leader who pursues specific and measurable goals, to being a leader who pursues continuous and holistic growth.
  • The Cost Shift: from perks to price. This change is about moving from being a leader who enjoys the benefits and privileges of leadership, to being a leader who pays the price and makes the sacrifices required for leadership.
  • The Relational Shift: from pleasing people to challenging people. This change is about moving from being a leader who seeks to please and appease everyone, to being a leader who challenges and confronts people for their own good and the good of the organization.
  • The Abundance Shift: from maintaining to creating. This change is about moving from being a leader who settles for the status quo and preserves what he or she has, to being a leader who innovates and creates new value and opportunities.
  • The Reproduction Shift: from ladder climbing to ladder building. This change is about moving from being a leader who climbs the ladder of success and competes with others, to being a leader who builds the ladder of success and helps others climb it.
  • The Communication Shift: from directing to connecting. This change is about moving from being a leader who tells and instructs others, to being a leader who listens and connects with others.
  • The Improvement Shift: from team uniformity to team diversity. This change is about moving from being a leader who seeks to have a team of people who are similar and agreeable, to being a leader who seeks to have a team of people who are diverse and complementary.
  • The Influence Shift: from positional authority to moral authority. This change is about moving from being a leader who relies on his or her title and position to influence others, to being a leader who relies on his or her character and credibility to influence others.
  • The Impact Shift: from trained leaders to transformational leaders. This change is about moving from being a leader who trains and equips other leaders, to being a leader who transforms and inspires other leaders.
  • The Passion Shift: from career to calling. This change is about moving from being a leader who pursues a career for personal gain and satisfaction, to being a leader who pursues a calling for a higher purpose and service.

Leadershift is a book that offers a comprehensive and compelling framework for leadership development and transformation. It is based on the author’s decades of experience and research in the field of leadership. It is also filled with stories, examples, and exercises that make the book relevant and practical. The book is suitable for anyone who wants to learn how to become a more effective and influential leader in the 21st century.