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Summary: Pathways to Peace of Mind: Never-Before-Published Writings on Obtaining the Greatest Riches by Napoleon Hill

  • “Pathways to Peace of Mind” by Napoleon Hill provides unpublished insights into achieving holistic success, emphasizing the importance of inner peace.
  • Hill’s practical guidance on developing a positive mental attitude, setting clear goals, and maintaining tranquility is both relevant and actionable.
  • The book challenges conventional notions of success, offering thought-provoking ideas and reminding readers that true wealth includes inner fulfillment.

Learn to maintain positivity, shared abundance, good habits, and relationships with uplifting examples and practical strategies from the newly released Pathways to Peace of Mind (2023).

Introduction: Peace, not pressure, is the key to success.

Picture this: You wake up to birds chirping, sunlight streaming through your window, and a sense of calm washing over you. “Stress? Never heard of it,” you’d say earnestly. This scenario sounds like an elusive fantasy, doesn’t it? But what if we told you this dream could become your reality – and spur lifelong abundance and success?

Enter the world of a peaceful mind, where serenity is no longer a luxury but an everyday necessity and companion. You don’t need a magic wand or a genie in a lamp to get there. All you need is a roadmap and willingness to transform your life.

So, buckle up and prepare for an unforgettable journey. In this summary, you’ll discover four ways to harness peace of mind: a positive mental attitude, sharing your riches with the world, maintaining good habits, and making people your true north.

As the author attests, these pearls of wisdom are practical tools that have helped countless people achieve inner peace – and now it’s your turn to join their ranks.

But before you start, remember: this journey requires courage, determination, and crazy wide-openness of the heart. The road to peace of mind will come with twists and turns, but you’ll grow stronger and more resilient with each step. So, are you in?

Let’s get going.

Book Summary: Pathways to Peace of Mind - Never-Before-Published Writings on Obtaining the Greatest Riches

Your Greatest Superpower: A Positive Mental Attitude

Have you ever noticed how some people glide through life with a permanent smile as if they’ve discovered the secret to happiness? Spoiler alert: they have! It’s called a positive mental attitude, or PMA. It’s a superpower that helps you tackle any obstacle gracefully.

But how? Well, the recipe is simpler than you think. The first step is to become aware of your thoughts. Are you a “glass half-empty” or “glass half-full” person? If your thoughts lean toward the negative, it’s time to flip the script and start focusing on the positives.

But first, check yourself: How often do you allow past unpleasantness to hold you back from living your best life? See, the thing is, it’s easy to get stuck in negative thought patterns, but if we want to achieve peace of mind, we must learn to close the door to past hurts and take possession of our mental attitude.

Learn this principle from American inventor and scientist Elmer R. Gates, who relied on the power of positivity to help him solve complex problems. He built a soundproof meditation room in his home, furnished with a table, chair, paper and pencils, where he focused on a specific problem he wished to solve. By shutting off all other thoughts from his conscious mind, especially the negative ones, he could wait for ideas to present themselves. And very often, the solutions he sought would present themselves in minutes.

Gates’ scientific discoveries were the forerunners of all the methods now used for robot guidance and radar. This example proves that we can take control of our mental attitudes and achieve great things when we focus our thoughts on positive outcomes. No soundproof room is necessary – though you can certainly follow in Gates’ footsteps and build one.

Are you ready to give PMA a try? Start practicing positive affirmations, focusing on your strengths, and surrounding yourself with uplifting influences. You’ll be a bonafide PMA superhero in no time, ready to conquer the world with your newfound inner peace. Who knew the key to happiness was hiding in plain sight?

With a positive mindset, sharing your riches with the world becomes easier. Discover how this life skill fosters peace of mind in the next section.

Give More to Get More

When we think of the word “riches,” our minds often jump straight to money and material possessions. However, the art of sharing your riches encompasses so much more than just a financial trope. Riches here can also mean your time, knowledge, or resources.

This noble art can transform how we view our relationships with others. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives and forget the importance of giving back to our communities. But, as the old saying goes, “What goes around, comes around,” and by sharing our riches with others, we positively affect the world around us. The author even memorializes this concept by calling it the law of compensation.

So how do you compensate well? Learn from Andrew Carnegie, a successful industrialist who lived this philosophy in action. He is known to have created more millionaires than any other American industrialist in history. He once commissioned someone to share his vast know-how with the world, with no incentive to look forward to – and he believed this commitment was why he could amass his fortune. Throughout his life, he never hesitated to share his knowledge with his employees and business associates.

Sharing our blessings doesn’t just help others; it can also prime us to achieve more success. Just look at Edward Choate, a successful life insurance salesman. During World War II, he spent 80 percent of his time helping the government sell war bonds and training his competitors to sell life insurance, without compensation. Despite spending most of his time helping others, Choate’s sales figures increased dramatically. He wrote over $3 million in life insurance policies in three months, more than the average agent sold in ten years of hard work. By sharing his blessings with others, Choate became a creditor rather than a debtor, creating a network of friends and contacts that helped him build his business.

The art of sharing our riches can apply to all areas of life. Whether volunteering at a local charity, mentoring someone in your field, or simply being kind and generous to those around you, sharing your riches can have a ripple effect on the world.

With generosity in your bones, it’s only a matter of time before good habits become your DNA.

Cultivate Your Good-Habits Garden

To maintain peace of mind, you need to grow and nurture four good habits: a broad-minded perspective, a positive mental disposition, active visualizations of favorable outcomes, and knowing your desires inside out.

So, how do you develop these habits?

Firstly, keeping a broad-minded perspective requires active avoidance of gossip and slander. It means recognizing that there are many ways to approach a situation or solve a problem, and being willing to consider different perspectives without resorting to negative talk about others. By not talking smack about people, you become more empathetic and compassionate toward others and learn to appreciate differences. Everyone’s unique! Ultimately, this approach helps you challenge your implicit biases, increase your curiosity about the world, and dodge any hooks for self-destructive behaviors that bring you no good.

By actively avoiding gossip and slander, you’re more likely to maintain a positive mental disposition, the next good habit for peace of mind. This way, it’s easier to avoid dwelling on negative thoughts and beliefs, which we know disrupts mental peace. Remember PMA, your superpower? It can shield you from unnecessary downfalls and help you manifest positive outcomes in life – so use it to your advantage. Then, don’t forget to supplement your positivity with integrity by acting on your promises of support for others. This step can look like anything, from sharing your business resources to encouraging someone out of a bad day.

Now, to manifest those positive outcomes, you must first visualize them. Visualization is the bedrock of achievement; every attainable goal begins with an image of it already happening in your mind. With a mental landscape free from the plague of bad thoughts and ripe for positive ones, no great goal is impossible to achieve.

Lastly, always keep your desires accounted for. You can’t possibly manifest positive outcomes without knowing who you want to be or what you want to do in detail. You can’t just wish your desires would become realities, because there is a difference between wishes and desires. While a wish is the seed of a goal, a desire is all at once the germ that activates its growth, the fertile soil it must grow in, and both the sunlight and rain it needs to develop over time.

A man who once worked at the R. G. LeTourneau Company’s Foundry Department in Georgia was able to promote himself out of his undesirable job simply by changing the department’s atmosphere. He encouraged his coworkers to look for something positive in their jobs and express gratitude in writing to management. This change in atmosphere caught on quickly, and the workers began to experience an overall sense of positivity. As a result, the department became one of the most profitable in the entire plant. The man was promoted to the top of the company, spreading his reputation throughout the community. He received offers from well-known companies, with wages he never thought possible.

Notice how the man used the four good habits needed for peace of mind, in no particular order, to improve his life. He encouraged others to find things to appreciate about their jobs – no backbiting involved! This attitude shift created a positive atmosphere at work, leading to an increase in productivity and profitability. With a more positive mental disposition, the man became open to new opportunities and attracted offers from well-known companies, leading to greater financial success. By visualizing his goals and keeping tabs on his desires, he manifested his ambition into reality and was eventually offered capital to start his own successful business. His success proves that everyone has the potential to achieve their dreams with these good habits.

Now that you know the four-part strategy for peace of mind, it’s time to learn the power of putting people first – because people are the heart of a fulfilling life.

Prioritize People Passionately

What is peace of mind without love for other people?

Building positive relationships with others is key to achieving success rooted in peace of mind. Remembering that we all live in a community and no one can succeed alone is essential. We should treat others respectfully in every interaction, even in challenging situations. The more positive connections we make, the more support we can draw upon, and the more opportunities we can create.

The author, for one, believed that financial success, while important, isn’t the highest metric of overall success. In fact, he thought of it as potentially dangerous if not anchored by something greater than power: love and devotion for those around us. According to him, all the money in the world cannot measure success – only the quality and quantity of service can. So if all your financial success does is take away your capacity to serve others, is it a life victory?

People are the beating heart of a peaceful, fulfilling life. That said, we know how tricky human relationships can get. So with people to prioritize, how do you ensure things are smooth sailing with them as often as possible?

One aspect of building positive relationships is practicing forgiveness. Holding onto grudges and resentments only creates negative energy and distracts us from our goals. By letting go of past wrongs and focusing on the present moment, we can move forward with a clear mind and a positive attitude. From here, we can easily build stronger relationships with others, who will then be more likely to offer support when we need it.

Another way to cultivate positive relationships is to focus on common interests and goals. By working together toward a common objective, we develop better camaraderie and teamwork that can help us succeed. But first we must be open-minded and respectful of others’ ideas and perspectives, even if they differ from ours. Whether you lead a company or a weekend baseball game, you should always appreciate other people’s contributions.

In building positive relationships, it is essential to be genuine and authentic. People can sense when we are not sincere, and this erodes trust and creates unnecessary tension. By being true to ourselves, speaking truthfully and treating others with kindness and respect, we can create a positive environment conducive to genuine success.

In short, people can become stewards of our mental peace if we allow them to be. So always put them before anything else, and you’ll see the magic happening for you every day. It’s not hard to do, because you’re part of “people,” too. You know how great things can go when you are heard, seen, and supported – so treat people in the way you want to be treated.

Then see how success blossoms from there.


We can sustain peace of mind and create a better world by keeping a positive mental attitude, sharing our resources with others, tending to good habits consistently, and serving others. So whenever you need reminding about this, return to the tools and strategies outlined in this summary.

About the author

Napoleon Hill was born in 1883 in a one-room cabin on the Pound River in Wise County, Virginia. He began his writing career at age 13 as a “mountain reporter” for small town newspapers and went on to become America’s most beloved motivational author. Hill passed away in November 1970 after a long and successful career writing, teaching, and lecturing about the principles of success. Dr. Hill’s work stands as a monument to individual achievement and is the cornerstone of modern motivation. His book, Think and Grow Rich, is the all-time bestseller in the field. Hill established the Foundation as a nonprofit educational institution whose mission is to perpetuate his philosophy of leadership, self-motivation, and individual achievement.


Inspiration, Mindfulness, Happiness, Personal Development, Success, Self-Esteem
Self-Help, Relationships, Personal Growth, Business Culture, Motivational Management, Leadership, Business Motivation, Self-Improvement, Success Self-Help

Table of Contents

Foreword Don Green 5
Part 1 How to Get Peace of Mind 9
Introduction Dr. J. B. Hill 11
Introduction Napoleon Hill 13
Chapter 1 The Art of Sharing Riches 19
Chapter 2 Learn to Live Your Own Life 25
Chapter 3 Close the Doors to Past Unpleasantness 39
Chapter 4 How to Take Possession of Your Mental Attitude 45
Chapter 5 Become Acquainted with Your “Inner Self” 51
Chapter 6 So, You Desire a Better Job 57
Part 2 Fortune to Share: How to Adapt Yourself to the Law of Compensation 63
Part 3 Hill’s Golden Rule Magazine 85
The Scandalmongers 87
The Broad-Minded Man 95
Self-Control 97
Free Thought and the Human Mind 101
Desire 107
Learn How to Use That Wonderful Mind of Yours 111
How to Attract People to You Through the Law of Retaliation 113
Quit Quarreling with Your Fellowmen 117
A Personal Inventory of My Thirty-Six Years of Experience 119
Why Some Men Succeed 129
The Happy Middle Ground 137
Success! 141
Financial Success Is Dangerous 145
Enthusiasm 147
Two One-Legged Men! 149
Self-Control 151
Retaliation 153
Alibi Builders 155
The Way of Success Is the Way of Struggle! 159
A Brief Story of the Human Mind 165
Labor as a Blessing and as a Curse 171
Christians, Real and Pseudo 175
Another Poor Little Rich Boy 177
Part 4 “Think and Crow Rich with Napoleon Hill” Radio Program 181
Afterword Don Green 197


“Pathways to Peace of Mind” is a unique and insightful book that offers readers access to never-before-published writings by Napoleon Hill, the renowned author of “Think and Grow Rich.” The book is a compilation of Hill’s wisdom and guidance on achieving not just financial success but also inner peace and well-being.

Napoleon Hill’s work has long been associated with the principles of personal development and success. In “Pathways to Peace of Mind,” he delves into the importance of cultivating a positive mental attitude, setting clear goals, and developing self-discipline. Hill emphasizes that true wealth goes beyond material riches and extends to a sense of inner peace and fulfillment.

The book is divided into several sections, each focusing on a different aspect of personal development and success. Hill discusses the power of the mind, the significance of building strong relationships, and the role of persistence in achieving one’s goals. He also emphasizes the importance of a well-defined purpose in life and the need for continuous self-improvement.

One of the key themes in the book is the idea that peace of mind is the ultimate form of wealth. Hill suggests that financial success is an outgrowth of the peace of mind, and he provides practical advice on how to attain and maintain this state of mental tranquility. He stresses the importance of controlling one’s thoughts, emotions, and reactions to external events.

“Pathways to Peace of Mind” is a valuable addition to the personal development and self-help genre. Napoleon Hill’s timeless wisdom continues to inspire and guide individuals in their pursuit of success and happiness. Here are some notable aspects of the book:

  1. Unique Insights: The book offers readers a rare glimpse into Napoleon Hill’s previously unpublished writings. This adds a new dimension to his work, giving readers fresh insights and perspectives.
  2. Holistic Approach: Hill’s emphasis on the holistic nature of success, which includes not just financial wealth but also emotional and spiritual well-being, is a refreshing perspective. This makes the book relevant to a wide audience seeking balance and fulfillment in their lives.
  3. Practical Advice: Hill provides practical and actionable advice on how to develop a positive mental attitude, set and achieve goals, and maintain peace of mind in the face of challenges. His guidance is rooted in timeless principles that are as relevant today as they were when he first wrote them.
  4. Thought-Provoking Ideas: The book encourages readers to reflect on their own lives, goals, and attitudes. It challenges conventional notions of success and encourages a more introspective and purpose-driven approach to life.

In conclusion, “Pathways to Peace of Mind” is a book that not only expands on Napoleon Hill’s well-known principles but also introduces new and thought-provoking concepts. It’s a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their personal and professional development, and it serves as a reminder that true wealth is not just measured in dollars but in the peace of mind that comes from living a purposeful and positive life. If you’re a fan of Napoleon Hill’s work or interested in personal growth, this book is a must-read.