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Summary: The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks

  • The book explains the basic principles of the teachings of Abraham, a group of non-physical entities that communicate through Esther Hicks, and how they reveal the secrets of the universe and how to create the life you desire.
  • The book teaches you how to use the law of attraction, which states that whatever you focus on, you attract into your experience, by following three steps: ask, answer, and receive.
  • The book also teaches you how to overcome the common obstacles that prevent you from manifesting your desires, such as doubt, fear, resistance, and negative beliefs, and provides tools and techniques to help you align your vibration with your desire.

The Law of Attraction (2006) shows how you can use a fundamental law of the universe – the law of attraction – to manifest the life you always wanted. It explains what laws govern the world around us and how, once we understand them, we can use them to our own advantage.

Introduction: How to be the DJ of your destiny.

Have you ever wondered how powerful your thoughts are? Could they be more than just private experiences influencing your own decisions?

Enter the law of attraction, which says that thoughts are potent forces that shape our realities. This concept is said to have reached the world thanks to a certain Abraham.

Now, who’s this Abraham, you ask?

According to the authors, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Abraham isn’t a single entity but a group of non-physical beings communicating through Esther. Now, before you raise an eyebrow, hear this out. The authors’ overall message isn’t about mystical prophecy or paranormal phenomena but rather a practical guide to exploring the human mind’s power.

As Abraham allegedly put it, the law of attraction operates on a simple principle: Like attracts like. Imagine your thoughts and feelings as broadcasts that are sent out into the universe, attracting experiences that resonate with those broadcasts. It’s like a radio station, and you can choose the frequency. What’s exciting is that you’re in control of the station.

In other words: You can deliberately shape your thoughts and emotions, influencing the experiences you attract. It’s like having the steering wheel in your life, guiding your journey based on the signals you send out.

If calling this journey ‘the Abraham experience’ is not your thing, consider it a deep dive into positive thinking via inherently available mindpower.

Ready to build your best life? Let’s get started!

Book Summary: The Law of Attraction - The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham

Open up your life with a magnetic mind

Ever thought of your mind as a magnet? Well, the law of attraction suggests your thoughts have magnetic properties. They can pull in experiences that match their frequency.

Think of it this way: Whether sunny or stormy, your thoughts send a unique signal into the universe. These signals act like homing beacons, drawing in experiences that resonate with them. When your thoughts are on the positive side of the spectrum, you send out a ‘good vibes only’ signal. The result? You start to notice more good stuff happening. On the other hand, if your thoughts are down in the dumps, let’s say you might find yourself attracting a storm cloud or two.

The authors present an interesting perspective in their teachings: While you see yourself as a physical being in a physical world, there’s more to you than what meets the eye. They suggest you’re an extension of a non-physical source energy – aka your ‘inner being.’ You may also call it your ‘higher self’ or ‘soul.’ No matter what you call it, this broader, older and wiser non-physical part of you is said to guide you throughout your life. Think of it as your very own life compass.

What does your inner being have to do with the power of thoughts? Well, your mental powerhouse enables you to broadcast your thoughts into the universe. In line with the principle of ‘like attracts like,’ these thought signals work like magnets, pulling toward you the experiences that match your thoughts’ frequency.

What’s amazing about this whole scenario is that you’re the one holding this magnetic power. You’re the maestro conducting this orchestra of thoughts and experiences. Your inner being is simply your own cheerleader, always ready to hype you up into doing better.

To put mental magnetism into practice and reap its reward, you’ve got to first train your mind. Start by observing your thoughts, then intentionally steering them toward the positive. Celebrate small daily wins, express gratitude along the way and practice optimism every chance you get. You’re polishing your mental magnet, making it more powerful and attractive.

Remember, the more you focus on the good, the more positivity you’ll bring into your life. Whether aiming for success at work, happiness in relationships or something unique like a new, fulfilling hobby, your thoughts can help you magnetize your desires. Tune in to the positive and see where it leads you.

Emotions are your GPS for staying on track

Now that you know what it takes to maintain a magnetic mind, let’s venture into the realm of feelings, which fuel the law of attraction.

Imagine your emotions as an internal GPS, indicating whether your thoughts align with your desires. Positive emotions like joy, peace or excitement suggest you’re on the right path, while negative emotions hint at a need for a course correction.

Here’s a valuable tip from the authors: Consider your daily life as a shopping spree. You’ve got a pocketful of emotional energy, ready to exchange for positive experiences. Naturally, not everything will be to your liking, but your goal is to seek experiences that resonate with your emotional currency.

To use this guidance system to your advantage daily, you must tune into your emotions. See them as road signs on your path guiding your journey, rather than merely reactive feelings. When you’re feeling good, you’re on track. However, low spirits indicate a need for recalibration, a chance to reassess and realign your thoughts with your goals.

So remember, your emotions aren’t just feelings. They’re your personal navigation system, guiding you toward your desires. By tuning into these emotional cues and adjusting your thoughts accordingly, you stay on the right track.

With our navigation skills polished, let’s now explore a new territory: The art of allowing.

Learn to accept support from the Universe

The art of allowing is about opening up and becoming a willing recipient of what the universe has lined up for us through a positive mindset.

Think of it this way: You’ve set your thoughts on a positive frequency and tuned into your emotional GPS. You’re attracting great things toward you. Now what? The important part is allowing these things to flow — continuously — into your life.

Allowing might sound passive, but it’s far from sitting back and doing nothing. It’s about aligning yourself with the frequency of what you desire. It’s a little like dialing into a radio station; you must be on the same frequency to receive the music. The same goes for attracting your desires; once you intend for them to happen, you must trust that they will.

But how do you actually trust? Firstly, ditch any niggling doubt gnawing the back of your head. If your mind’s a radio station, then doubt is the static that disrupts your chosen frequency. Instead, believe that the universe is working to bring your desires to you. Crank up the optimism whenever doubt arises and have faith in your journey.

Secondly, make room for the most important things you want right now. These could be as small as a new morning routine to a big, long-term goal like owning a new house. Then, examine the negative thoughts that crop up around them. If your life is cluttered with these thoughts, it might be hard for new, positive experiences to take root and convince you that they are possible. So be prepared to clear out old beliefs to make space for new ones. Use your desires as the defining anchor. And to make this task even simpler, divide your days into smaller segments of unique intentions. Remember, every morning you wake up is a new segment to practice the habit of allowing.

With a regular approach to a positive mindset, you get to create the space you need to sit back and watch your goals become concrete achievements.

But have you got vivid details about those goals of yours? If so, great, because that’s what we’re exploring next: The powerful world of mental imagery.

Picture your desires well to achieve them

Have you ever caught yourself daydreaming and painting vivid pictures of something you want, only to unexpectedly receive it at the end of the day? You were using visualization to manifest a desire the whole time — and you didn’t even realize it!

Plainly put, to visualize well is to create clear mental images of your desires, from idea to result. It’s like having a personal movie theater in your mind, where you’re the director and the lead actor, envisioning every detail of a wish or a goal together.

So, how do you master visualization for any success? Start by setting aside a quiet time each day for your mental movie-making. Close your eyes and paint a picture of your desires as if they’re already happening. Feel the joy of achieving your goals, the pride of overcoming any challenges and the satisfaction of living life how you want. Involve all your senses in this process. What can you see, hear, feel, taste and smell in this scenario?

Say you’ve always aspired to be wealthy, but then you meet a wealthy person with poor health and a troubled marriage. This experience makes you associate prosperity with negative outcomes, thus discouraging you from pursuing wealth. The authors suggest collecting the prosperity data – meaning the aspects you want, like wealth, and discarding the unrelated negative associations, like bad health and unhappy relationships.

This scenario illustrates the essence of effective visualization: Focusing on the experiences you want to attract, and intentionally excluding those you don’t. In other words, you’re consciously choosing the broadcast frequency of your thoughts, aligning them with the life you want.

Next, you have to really believe in the reality of the images you’re associating with your goal. For them to feel true, their unique details need to be tangible and real to you. Do you want to live a life of prosperity with a certain type of house, in a certain location? Note these down. Remember our principle of ‘like attracts like’? When you send out strong, specific signals of your desires, you’re more likely to attract those experiences into your life.

Are you eager to transform more desires into real-life results? Let’s see how vibrational matching can accelerate the process.

Keep up with the right vibes

Vibrational matching may sound like something out of a science fiction novel, but it’s actually a powerful tool in the law of attraction. It’s all about aligning your mental and emotional frequency with your desires.

But how do you ‘tune’ yourself to the frequency of your own desires? Simple: You must continuously align your thoughts and emotions with your goals. For example, if your goal is long-term happiness, continuously focus on thoughts that evoke joy daily. If it’s success at work, hone in on thoughts that stir up a sense of achievement while undertaking your day-to-day tasks.

Ultimately, the closer your current state aligns with your desired outcomes, the faster and easier it is to achieve them.

Picture a sculptor who gradually shapes clay to reflect the image he holds in his mind. Like him, we should actively mold our experiences to mirror our desires. This conscious shaping, or vibrational matching, helps us actualize our aspirations into tangible achievements.

Now, it’s worth noting that this practice isn’t about pretense or insincerity. You must authentically seek and nurture feelings that resonate with your goals in life. For the best results, engage in activities that make you smile and laugh, spend time with people who you look up to as mascots of success and practice daily mindfulness through meditation and self-reflection to cultivate peace.

In essence, vibrational matching is about becoming every value you want to embody on the mental and emotional level. By combining intention, focus and emotion, you can harmonize with the requirements that make up your dream life.


If life is a show, then you’re its host, and your thoughts are the tunes you’re playing to spice things up. Your only job? To ensure these thoughts harmonize with your dreams.

Remember: You’re already armed with a magnetic mind and a reliable emotional GPS to achieve every goal you set for yourself. Plus, you’ve got the power to allow good things to flow into your life. When in doubt, lean into your inherent ability to visualize your ideal life. Then, maintain the right vibrations to sustain it.

At its core, the law of attraction is really about positive thinking. So, go ahead, embrace it and craft your best life yet.


Spirituality, Self-Help, New Age, Metaphysics, Personal Development, Philosophy, Inspirational, Motivational, Psychology, Nonfiction


The Law of Attraction is a book that explains the basic principles of the teachings of Abraham, a group of non-physical entities that communicate through Esther Hicks. The book is based on a series of questions that Jerry Hicks asked Abraham, and their answers that reveal the secrets of the universe and how to create the life you desire.

The main idea of the book is that there is a universal law that governs everything in existence: the law of attraction. This law states that whatever you focus on, you attract into your experience. Your thoughts, emotions, and actions are all forms of energy that vibrate at different frequencies, and they attract things that match their vibration. Therefore, you are the creator of your own reality, and you can deliberately choose what you want to manifest by aligning your vibration with your desire.

The book teaches you how to use the law of attraction to your advantage by following three steps: ask, answer, and receive. The first step is to ask for what you want, either verbally or mentally. The second step is to allow the universe to answer your request by providing you with opportunities, ideas, and guidance. The third step is to receive what you asked for by being open, receptive, and grateful.

The book also teaches you how to overcome the common obstacles that prevent you from manifesting your desires, such as doubt, fear, resistance, and negative beliefs. The book suggests several tools and techniques to help you overcome these obstacles, such as meditation, affirmations, visualization, appreciation, and emotional guidance system. The book also provides examples and exercises to help you practice and apply the teachings of Abraham in your daily life.

The Law of Attraction is a book that offers a comprehensive and practical introduction to the teachings of Abraham and the law of attraction. The book is written in a clear and conversational style that makes it easy to understand and follow. The book is also full of wisdom and insights that can inspire and empower you to create the life you want.

The book is not a scientific or logical explanation of how the law of attraction works, but rather a spiritual and metaphysical perspective that requires an open mind and a willingness to explore beyond the physical realm. The book may not appeal to everyone, especially those who are skeptical or uncomfortable with the idea of channeling non-physical entities. However, the book does not ask you to believe anything blindly, but rather to experiment with the teachings and see for yourself if they work for you.

The Law of Attraction is a book that can help you discover your true potential and purpose in life. It can help you transform your thoughts, emotions, and actions into positive and powerful forces that attract what you want. It can help you achieve happiness, health, wealth, love, and anything else you desire. It can help you live in harmony with yourself, others, and the universe. It can help you become a deliberate creator of your own reality.