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Summary: Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long by David Rock

Do you ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels at work, rushing from one meeting to the next and scrambling to reply to emails? Do you feel overwhelmed by the enormous projects on your plate when you can’t find the time to attend to them? Using studies based on neuroscientific research, this book summary provides a guide to staying cool under pressure, maintaining your focus, completing your projects, and moving past setbacks. Once you learn these proven tactics, you can perform at your best.

Discover powerful techniques to train your brain and transform your performance at work.


  • Feel like you’re not as productive as you could be
  • Find yourself snapping at family or coworkers when you’re stressed
  • Want to know how your brain affects your ability to work with others


Leadership development expert David Rock applies cognitive science to life in the workplace with surprisingly practical results. He explains and applies numerous studies on memory, focus, attention and consciousness. His warnings about people’s mental limits prove direct and sobering. You’ll multitask less after reading his insights – but you’ll achieve more and have a better experience as a result. Some of Rock’s tips may be hard to apply, but your focus will improve as you try to work with them. We recommend his readable, useful insights on how the brain works, how to improve its function, and how to boost and sustain your ability to focus.


  • You’ve never needed a clear mind more, and you’ve never faced more distractions.
  • Your consciousness has surprisingly limited capacities.
  • You can do five things with information: Understand it, make decisions about it, memorize it, recall it or inhibit it.
  • To think better, stop multitasking. Simplify and visualize information.
  • Your brain works best with the right level of arousal. Too much overwhelms it. Too little leaves you bored.
  • Your emotions and your limbic system play a major role in your thinking.
  • Use “reappraisal” to get a handle on your emotions. Label your feelings and reframe, reinterpret, reorder and reposition them. Or use pattern recognition to normalize them.
  • To help your brain function better, learn “mindfulness.” Reflect on your processes.
  • To collaborate effectively, be aware of other people’s “SCARF,” their sense of “Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness and Fairness” – the social elements of cognition.
  • To facilitate change, don’t use feedback, give advice or help solve problems. Instead, boost people emotionally and help them raise their own awareness.


Is your inbox bursting with emails, your calendar crammed with meetings, and your schedule full of deadlines? Do you feel like no matter how long or hard you work, you’re never able to get ahead and complete the important projects that require your attention? While some of these circumstances might be beyond your control, there are steps you can take to work smarter, center your focus, and increase your productivity. By helping you understand how your brain works, the tools in Your Brain at Work will help you accomplish your tasks more efficiently and effectively.

Instead of drowning you in complex scientific language, this book simply tells you the story of how your brain works. Along the way, you’ll benefit from practical tips that will help you harness your brain’s innate potential. By understanding how your mind responds to deadlines, distractions, stress, and other factors, you’ll learn to master the pressures you face at work. You might even surprise yourself with how well you perform in situations that once gave you trouble.

Your Brain at Work follows two fictional figures, Emily and Paul, who serve as practical, relatable examples of how people respond to everyday challenges at work. As Emily and Paul discover more about how their brains operate and learn to make different decisions, you’ll also learn how to incorporate these changes into your own way of doing things.

Book Summary: Your Brain at Work - Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long

Solving Problems and Making Decisions

Recall a time when you felt like you just couldn’t make one more decision. Maybe you worked all day, wrangled your kids, ran errands, and juggled other commitments. Finally, at a certain point, you felt that your brain needed a break.

You were onto something: Your brain did need rest. Scientists call this feeling “decision fatigue,” and it happens when your mind has experienced information overload. Thinking, solving problems, and making decisions require a lot of brain power, and you have biological limitations that determine how many of these activities you can do in a certain amount of time. Understanding that these limits are a natural part of being human can help you rethink how you organize your schedule and restructure your work.

Begin is with your morning email. If you’re like many people, you wake up, roll over, and immediately check your phone to find that you’ve been bombarded with emails as you slept. Some might be personal, while others might be work-related. Before the day has even begun, your mind is flooded with stress hormones, and your thoughts are racing in search of an approach to the various problems that popped up overnight.

Maybe you can relate to the character of Emily, who feels flooded with anxiety when she sees 100 new emails in her inbox and knows that it will take all day to respond to them. But how can she manage her inbox when she also has four meetings, a doctor’s appointment, and an upcoming project deadline? Despite her best intentions, she knows there’s no way she’ll be able to keep up with all these pressures.

In moments like these, the brain’s prefrontal cortex goes into overload. This is the part of the brain where decision-making and prioritizing take place, and without it, you wouldn’t be able to set goals, make choices, or control your impulses. Yet this important section of the brain requires a great deal of energy (in the form of glucose and oxygen) in order to function, and the more you use it, the more down time it needs to recharge. Its resources are limited, and it takes time for it to process additional metabolic fuel that it must use to function at its best. Although one option to increase the functioning of your prefrontal cortex is to start sipping sugary drinks throughout the day (and many people do just that), this solution obviously isn’t great for your overall health.

A more beneficial strategy is to rethink how you use this valuable yet limited resource. Rather than devoting your early morning energy to an overwhelming load of emails, prioritize your tasks for the day. Decide what is most important for you to accomplish before you actually begin tackling anything. This takes the pressure off your prefrontal cortex to keep deciding what is most important as new challenges pop up over and over again throughout the day. Since you’ve already mapped out a plan in advance, you can stay focused and protect your priorities, giving your mind ample time to re-energize itself between tasks.

But sometimes, even with careful planning, you hit a roadblock that threatens to knock your day off course. How do you stay focused when this happens? The first thing to do is remove any external distractions that may deplete your brain power: Clear your desk, turn down your lights, put your phone on airplane mode, and even turn off your internet temporarily. Vigorously defend yourself from such sensory intrusions. Next, shut out internal distractions: Stop worrying about the problem or thinking about what you’re going to tell your client. That can all wait; you’ll get there. But what you need to do in the moment is allow your brain to concentrate on coming up with solutions to the roadblock you’ve encountered. By removing both internal and external distractions, you empower your mind to use all its valuable energy to tackle the problem.

Staying Cool Under Pressure

In addition to helping you make choices and solve problems, your brain is equipped to help you detect danger. As you go through your day, your mind is constantly noting subtle changes in your environment, evaluating potential threats to your well-being, and making sense of dangers and rewards. Often, your emotions are tied to these underlying processes in your brain, even if you’re not aware of it. Your brain’s vigilance keeps you alive, but it can also flood you with strong emotions — like anger, fear, or distress — that prevent you from performing at your best. To overcome these emotions, you must develop the ability to regulate them. Emotion regulation is an essential skill that can help you lead a calmer, more balanced, and more rewarding life.

Consider the example of Paul, who works in a creative field and has just had a meeting with two clients. They press him with important questions about his budget and timeline, and then threaten to move their project overseas, which would severely impact his finances. During the discussion, they also manage to insult him. The meeting ends badly, and Paul heads home and immediately starts picking fights and yelling at his family members. Paul knows he should control his temper, but he feels worried, enraged, and threatened by the potential loss of income. He knows better than to blame his family for the unsuccessful meeting, but the emotions that he suppressed during the professional encounter — fear, sadness, helplessness, anger — come spilling out of him. Paul mistakenly believed that trying not to feel those difficult emotions in the moment would make him stronger, but he wasn’t truly able to keep his cool under pressure because he exploded the moment he got home.

What causes emotional outbursts like these? The brain processes emotions through a large network called the limbic system, which connects your thoughts, memories, and emotions to objects, people, and events. The limbic system works to minimize pain and maximize reward, so it’s always trying to determine whether something in your world is a potential threat. When this system perceives a potential danger — in Paul’s case, losing income and being insulted — it goes into overdrive. This impairs the functioning of the rest of your brain in an effort to protect you. Whether the threats are real or imagined, physical or mental doesn’t matter. The limbic system takes energy away from your prefrontal cortex, making you more likely to respond negatively to threatening situations, just as Paul did when he got angry with his family.

How can you learn to stay cool under pressure and regulate your emotions, even when a difficult situation pushes your limbic system to the breaking point? The first step you can take is to stay aware of your physical responses. Is your heart pounding? Is your face red? Are your hands sweaty? Are you having trouble focusing? These are warning signs that your brain is being flooded with fight-or-flight chemicals. When you observe these signs, take a step back and acknowledge how you’re feeling. Just by recognizing and articulating how you feel, you’re reestablishing more balance in your system.

Next, consciously regulate your breathing and take in more oxygen through slow, deep breaths. Try to refocus your attention on a neutral external stimulus, such as the light coming through a window or the sound of someone’s voice. This redirects some of your brain’s heightened energy and allows the more rational, reflective part of your brain to resume its work. And remember, trying to suppress how you feel will only make the emotional response more powerful, not less.

Working with Others

Solving problems, making decisions, and staying cool under pressure are all ways to harness your brain’s abilities and improve your personal performance. But what happens when your results are determined by how well others collaborate with you? In these situations, you must not only be aware of how your brain is working but also how others’ minds are operating. Many people find working with others to be one of the greatest challenges of their workplace. People approach projects with diverse skills and perspectives and finding common ground can be difficult. Your colleagues may have priorities that you find unimportant and vice versa. But regardless, you must work together to meet your deadlines.

Collaboration can be hard, but there are ways you can apply what scientists know about how the brain works to your advantage. To succeed in your projects with others, you need to focus people’s attention the right way. First, create a safe workplace environment that provides people with a sense of certainty, autonomy, familiarity, and fairness. When your colleagues feel comfortable, they’re more likely to be open to cooperation.

Then, focus your team’s attention by asking compelling questions about the project or framing your ideas in a narrative form. In other words, tell a story about how you came up with your perspective. Both techniques allow the brain to focus its attention in non-critical ways. Finally, work on establishing goals together that help the team share a common vision. This will make your colleagues more receptive to new ideas and more invested in the objectives you share.


How well do you know your brain?

Can you explain what your brain is doing when you open up your laptop to work, open a textbook to study, or conduct a meeting?

In the book “Your Brain at Work” author David Rock uses the latest neuroscience to explain what your brain is doing while you work.

Rock says your mind is like a theater. The stage in your mental theater represents your short‐term working memory, and it’s controlled by your prefrontal cortex (the brain region just behind your forehead).

During the workday you can use your stage to perform five functions: understanding, recalling, memorizing, inhibiting, and deciding. To remember these five functions, think of the acronym: U.R. M.In.D.

To perform these five functions, you need actors, audience members, and a stage director. Actors on stage represent objects, tasks, and pieces of information you’re focused on at any one moment. This sentence is currently an actor on your stage.

Audience members are maps of information in your long‐term memory. The audience is constantly trying to make sense of and associate with actors on stage. Understanding, recalling, memorizing and deciding are made possible by the audience making associations to the actors on stage.

The stage director is responsible for inhibiting unwanted actors from coming onto the stage and ruining a performance. These unwanted actors are external distractions, like nearby conversations, and internal distractions, like afternoon food cravings.

3 Things You Must Know About Your Theater

Your Stage is Tiny

Recent research shows that the short‐ term working memory of the human brain (your mental stage) can only fit four actors (four units of information). Focusing on more than four units of information at a time is impossible, unless you can find a way to simply and chunk the information (ex: create mental models or acronyms for multiple units of information).

Although you can fit up to four actors on your stage at one time, “a study by Brian McElree at New York University found that the number of chunks of information you can remember accurately with no memory degradation is, remarkably, only one.”

Your Stage Has One Spotlight

Your stage is illuminated by a single spotlight, and that spotlight can only focus on one actor at a time. If two or more actors are trying to get your attention, the light needs to rapidly switch between those actors. Imagine watching a performance where two actors are talking at that same time, and a spotlight is rapidly switching between those actors… That would be a terrible performance to watch!

Author David Rock describes a study from the University of California at San Diego that “showed when people do two cognitive tasks at once, their cognitive capacity can drop from that of a Harvard MBA to that of an eight‐year‐ old. It’s a phenomenon called dual‐task interference.”

Your Director is Less Effective Later in the Day

Over the course of a workday, hundreds of unwanted actors are trying to get on stage and steal attention away from important actors on stage.

Each time your director has to step in and hold back an unwanted actor, he/she loses a bit of energy.

Eventually, your stage director becomes too weak to stop unwanted actors from walking on stage and ruining the performance.

3 Ways to Deal with the Limitations of Your Mental Stage

  • When deciding among multiple options, limit the number of actors on stage by isolating two options at a time. If you ‘re deciding between five or more colors for a design, arrange head‐to‐head battles starting with the first two colors. Isolate color one and color two on the list and ask yourself, “Which of these two colors improves the design?” Whichever color wins goes on to face the third color on the list.
  • Instead of rapidly switching your spotlight between two or more sources of information (text messages, email messages, work project, etc.), process the information in a serial manner. Take a few moments to schedule tasks so you can give each task your undivided attention. If you want to complete three tasks in the next hour, set up a sequence of three 20‐minute time blocks and assign each task to a separate time block.
  • When your stage director is having a hard time keeping unwanted actors off the stage, start pushing cognitively demanding tasks on your to‐do list to the next morning (if possible). If you need to plan a big project, understand a complex subject, or make a major decision, do it in the first half of the day when your stage director can do a better job of keeping actors off stage.


The Prefrontal Cortex

The market demands that you become a knowledge worker, and rewards you most for staying focused and creative. Yet emails, social media messages and endless entertainment options make today the most distracting time in history. You can’t change the world, but you can learn how your brain works and how to make it perform better.

“While your brain is a machine, it’s not just a machine. However, the only way to be more than just a machine is to deeply understand the machine-like nature of your brain.”

Your brain is subject to “surprising performance limitations.” You can think at your highest levels for only limited periods of time. To make decisions or solve problems, you depend mainly on your powerful prefrontal cortex. However, the prefrontal cortex is a little like Goldilocks: For it to work well, everything has to be just right. Imagine the prefrontal cortex as “a stage in a small theater where actors play a part.”

“Distractions are everywhere. And with the always-on technologies of today, they take a heavy toll on productivity.”

The stage represents where you direct your focus. The actors represent information passing through your attention. Your stage “needs a lot of lighting,” or energy. The audience is “information from your inner world” – your memories and thoughts. Members of this internal audience sometimes take over the stage, which can hold information from the external world, from your internal consciousness or from both together.

“Five Functions”

You can perform five functions with the information on your stage:

  1. “Understanding” – Grasping a new concept means an actor must appear onstage and stay there long enough to connect with audience members.
  2. “Deciding” – Process ideas by making decisions about them. You compare them and make “value judgments.”
  3. “Recalling” – Recall means pulling information out of the past like pulling an audience member up onstage.
  4. “Memorizing” – Memorize by moving an idea off the stage and into the audience.
  5. “Inhibiting” – Keep excess or unwanted audience members offstage by inhibiting a recollection. Having too many actors onstage distracts you and weakens your focus.

“While you can hold several chunks of information in mind at once, you can’t perform more than one conscious process at a time with these chunks without impacting performance.”

Recalling a recent memory is easy, but to remember something from longer ago, you must sift through vast amounts of data. Thinking clearly about the future is hard; thinking about current problems is easier because you know your problems, and the emotions around them are clear.

Tools for Thinking

You can change how you work to fit how your brain works. Prioritizing is confusing, so “prioritize prioritizing.” Visualize the future, rather than thinking about it abstractly. Use pictures, draw diagrams or make charts to improve your processing. Track your time and attention. Learn when in the day you are sharpest. Then, schedule energy-intense work accordingly. Shift tasks to match your focus.

“Peak mental performance requires just the right level of stress, not minimal stress.”

Ideas compete for space on your tiny stage, so simplify them. You can hold only four simple items in your mind, four items organized into narratives or “chunks.” Break these ideas down to a “pitch,” a metaphor or an image that sums up their essence. Break larger assemblies of information into smaller, easy-to-remember chunks.

“As you learn more about your brain, you begin to see that many of your foibles and mistakes come down to the way your brain is built.”

Your brain can perform only “one conscious process at a time.” You run through other processes on autopilot, like a driver on a familiar route. If you attempt “two cognitive tasks at once,” your “cognitive capacity” drops from a “Harvard MBA” to the level of an eight-year-old child. You cannot effectively multitask. No one can. When you do too much, you do each thing less well. When you switch back and forth between tasks, you burn up your “working memory.” To make the most of your limited attention, consider which decisions you must make in order to make other decisions. Make those trigger decisions first. Identify bottlenecks and try to eliminate them.

“Having friends helps you change your brain, because you get to speak out loud more often.”

Get rid of distractions. Every distraction means you must spend energy refocusing, which leads to making mistakes. Fight “external distractions” by disconnecting when you’re trying to focus; turn off your phone, computer, television and all your devices. Fight “internal distractions.” Your brain continually generates activity and distraction leads it to revert to its “default network.” Then you’ll just think about internal issues, like common worries.

“Your prefrontal cortex is the biological seat of your conscious interactions with the world.”

Your brain works best with just the right level of arousal. Too little and you’re bored; too much and you’re overwhelmed. Everyone’s optimum level differs. Two neurotransmitters are at work: dopamine, which relates to interest, and norepinephrine, which relates to alertness. Proper amounts of the two determine peak performance. When you hit a mental roadblock, you generate a repeating, limited group of solutions. Shift gears. Let your “brain idle.” Quiet your mind to hear the “subtle signals” that lead to insights. The greater your happiness and relaxation, the more likely you are to generate these signals. Don’t try to force your way through a problem. Simplify it. Identify the key elements. Consider how the problem’s different aspects relate to each other.


In addition to the stage (your awareness, your actors and your “conscious information”) and your audience (information below the level of consciousness), one more player is at hand: “your director.” This is the aspect of your cognition that steps back from an experience, reflects on it and makes changes. That process is called “thinking about thinking” – or metacognition.

“Giving people feedback creates an intense threat response that doesn’t help people improve performance.”

Everyone’s brain generates “internal representations of the outside world.” These “maps” – or “networks or circuits” – develop according to how you focus your attention over your lifetime. Your “default network” or “narrative circuit” tells a story about your relationship with the world. It acts as a lens or filter that interprets outside information. You also engage the world through “direct experience.” In this mode, you’re more aware of your senses. These two networks correlate inversely. If one is active, the other is less so. You switch between these circuits naturally. You can learn to switch consciously with practice. That would help you distinguish which circuit is active, which helps you change how your mind works. Furthermore, if you practice what spiritual traditions call “mindfulness,” and develop your “internal experience,” you can improve the health of your mind and your body.

The Limbic System

Your brain continually monitors your environment to determine if anything around you is threatening your existence or helping sustain your life. Every evaluation carries an emotional response that affects your thinking. The limbic system intertwines with emotion and tells you to pay attention to something. It continually makes “toward or away decisions,” pushing you away from a threat or toward a reward. These decisions don’t all have the same intensity; levels of risk and reward vary. Everyone’s limbic system responds to different triggers, or “hot buttons.” An over stimulated limbic system leaves less energy for your “prefrontal cortex functions.” In situations of high tension, you’re more likely to go on autopilot and less likely to think clearly.

“The brain is more than a logic-processing machine. Its purpose is to keep you alive.”

Three general approaches can “minimize arousal” that blunts your thinking. Start with “situation selection.” If you know a certain situation threatens you, avoid it. “Situation modification” means recognizing a threatening moment and changing aspects of it. Since you can’t always scream or cry to express emotions, you may try “expressive suppression,” or ignoring your feelings. That never works well. Your limbic system still activates itself, sometimes more than it would have if not suppressed. Tamping down your emotions makes it harder to recall a provocative incident clearly or to pay attention. The antidote is making a “cognitive change,” shifting away from an instant response. Name your internal state. Briefly express how you feel, but don’t dwell on it.


Your brain continually makes predictions. When a pattern starts, your brain tries to complete it. Your brain likes to know what’s going on, and it craves certainty like an addict craves a drug. Receiving a hit of certainty creates a pleasurable rush. That explains the popularity of games like Sudoku. They create a “toward response” that draws you in. But when a situation is uncertain or threatening, your brain generates an “away response.” When you expect things to happen a certain way, your expectations can alter the data your brain receives. You accept information that fits your expectations and reject information that doesn’t. If things turn out as expected, you get a mild dopamine boost; you get more if you exceed expectations. If you fail, you feel threatened.

“Status is relative and a sense of reward from an increase in status can come anytime you feel ‘better than’ another person.”

Your brain closely links autonomy with certainty. Lacking control or “agency” threatens you and generates uncertainty. A lack of control can damage your health. Most people find reward in making even the most basic choices about life. Just giving people a choice or the feeling that they have a choice serves as a reward and generates a going-toward response.

“Practice getting faster at such things as labeling and reappraising, reading other people’s states, or developing a quiet mind when needed.”

That’s only one reason that “cognitive reappraisal” is such a powerful tool for dealing with emotions. It lets you regulate your emotions by reframing what you’re feeling to make it less painful. Just deciding how to perceive your life increases your autonomy and becomes a reward in itself. You can reframe a situation several ways. You can reinterpret it, which can be as simple as getting familiar with it. You can normalize it by learning more about its patterns. You can reorder it by consciously changing maps to find one that fits you better. The most challenging method is “repositioning,” that is, working to see the situation from another perspective.


Ancient people evolved in a world of scarcity where they had to tell an ally from an enemy very quickly. Even today, your limbic system stays attuned to your “social environment.” If you don’t know someone or lack social cues, you automatically default to seeing that person or situation as potentially hostile. This calls on a different “set of brain circuits” than thinking about friends or people you see as more like you. In a social situation – or even a collaborative project at work – as much as 80% of your mental processes will focus on your relationship to the other people involved. If your evaluation of them is positive, that is pleasurable and will “release oxytocin.” Positive connections help you function better. People with rich social networks tend to live longer. Those who have friends “think better.” Knowing more people makes you likelier to see things from multiple perspectives.

“Human emotions are messy, involving many brain regions.”

To collaborate more effectively, be aware of the social aspects of cognition, represented by the acronym “SCARF,” which stands for “Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness and Fairness.” If you have trouble with some people, you may threaten elements on their SCARF list. To fix the situation, enhance one or more of their SCARF factors, such as their status. When people interact, they remain intensely aware of their status, just as your brain innately seeks to maintain or enhance your status. When you feel better than someone else, you gain a sense of reward. A threat to your status is more powerful than a sense of reward and can disrupt your social relations. Your brain also seeks fairness, which triggers a reward of dopamine, generating a warm sense of connection. Employees who regard their companies as fair see their jobs as more rewarding, but a perception of unfairness creates emotional pain that can disrupt connection and rational thought.

Facilitating Change

Leaders try to get others to change by giving them feedback. But no matter what technique you use, feedback often threatens people’s status, so they reflexively defend themselves. Suggesting solutions to someone else’s problems wastes everyone’s time. Instead, if you can help people quiet their brains, they’ll be more likely to generate their own insights. Work through the SCARF list. Simplify complex problems to help people release their mental energy. Speaking aloud reinforces learning, so ask questions to help people shift their focus and to guide them to greater awareness of “their own mental processes.” State clear objectives to help them build a “sense of certainty” and solve their own problems.

“Insights occur more frequently the more relaxed and happy you are.”

Don’t use rewards and punishments to guide an organization through change. That would send a signal that you’re trying to change people, thus threatening their status. Instead, help them focus on new areas by telling stories or by asking questions that connect them with past successes or that encourage reflection. Establish clear mutual “toward goals” that people want to pursue, rather than “away goals” they want to flee. Review these goals regularly so people stay focused.


Your brain has magnificent abilities, but it also experiences complex responses and has limitations that must be understood in order to help you perform at your best.

In this summary, you learned about how these systems work together to keep you safe and provide you with the resources you need to thrive. The prefrontal cortex plays a vital role in helping you solve problems, make decisions, plan for the future, and exercise self-control, but when you’ve been making too many decisions in a short amount of time, your energy gets depleted, and you experience decision fatigue. This is why it’s so important to prioritize the tasks you tackle early in the day and try to stick to a plan that enables you to remain focused and productive.

In addition, the brain’s powerful limbic system serves to identify threats and rewards to keep you safe, but it can become flooded with stress hormones that dull your thinking and make it hard to take appropriate action. By identifying the signs of limbic system overload, practicing deep breathing, and redirecting your attention, you can help some of these hormones dissipate so that you feel calmer and make better choices.

With these tools in mind, you’ll feel less anxious and distracted, so you can thrive at work.

About David Rock

David Rock is the author of three bestselling books on how breakthroughs in neuroscience help people be more effective leaders.


The book is a practical guide that teaches readers how to use the power of their brain to improve their work performance and personal well-being. The book is based on the author’s extensive research and experience as a professor of psychology and a consultant for various organizations. The book consists of four parts:

  • Part One: The book introduces the concept of the brain at work, and explains how the brain functions in different situations and tasks. It also outlines the main challenges and opportunities that the brain faces in today’s complex and demanding work environment, such as information overload, multitasking, stress, and change.
  • Part Two: The book provides four key strategies for optimizing the brain at work, which are: managing attention, improving insight, boosting memory, and regulating emotions. It explains how these strategies can help readers enhance their focus, creativity, learning, and decision-making skills. It also offers some tips and exercises to help readers apply these strategies to their own work scenarios.
  • Part Three: The book examines how the brain interacts with other brains at work, and how to improve one’s communication, collaboration, and influence skills. It covers topics such as listening, feedback, persuasion, conflict resolution, and leadership. It also provides some tools and techniques to help readers deal with different types of people and personalities at work.
  • Part Four: The book concludes with some suggestions on how to create a brain-friendly work culture and environment, such as designing workspaces, setting goals, rewarding achievements, and fostering innovation. It also encourages readers to keep learning and growing their brain at work, by adopting a growth mindset, seeking new challenges, and embracing change.

The book is a guide to understanding how the brain works in a work setting, and how to use this knowledge to improve performance, productivity, and well-being. The book uses a narrative approach, following the lives of Emily and Paul, a two-career couple with two young children, as they face various challenges and opportunities in their workday. Each chapter focuses on a specific aspect of brain function, such as attention, memory, emotions, insights, social interactions, and change. The author explains the neuroscience behind each aspect, and provides practical tips and strategies to optimize it. The book also includes diagrams, exercises, and summaries to reinforce the main points.

The book is an informative and engaging resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the brain at work or improve their skills and results in it. The book is written in a clear, concise, and friendly tone that makes it easy to read and understand. The book also uses vivid examples, anecdotes, humor, and emotion to convey its messages and invite its readers to reflect and relate. The book does not impose any judgments or prescriptions on its readers but rather encourages them to explore their own paths and perspectives.

The book is not only a guide but also a source of inspiration and enlightenment. It helps readers understand the essence and spirit of the brain at work, and how it can help them achieve their goals and influence others positively. It also helps readers develop their skills, abilities, and potential, and achieve their goals. It motivates readers to pursue excellence, seek challenges, and overcome difficulties. It also urges readers to share their knowledge and experience with others who may benefit from them.

Overall, I think the book is a valuable addition to the literature on the brain at work and personal development. It is suitable for anyone who wants to learn more about the brain at work or improve their skills and results in it. I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in this topic.