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Empower Communication Skills with Highly Effective Performers Speak

Discover the secrets of the highly effective! In “How Highly Effective People Speak” by Peter Andrei, delve into a world of impactful communication strategies that can elevate your personal and professional life. Uncover the power of words and witness the transformation as you embrace a highly effective approach. Get ready to amplify your influence and make a lasting impression!

Ready to revolutionize your communication skills? Dive into the key insights from “How Highly Effective People Speak” and unlock the pathway to success. Continue reading to unleash your potential!

Empower Communication Skills with Highly Effective Performers Speak

In “How Highly Effective People Speak,” Peter Andrei explores the art of communication through the lens of highly successful individuals. The book provides actionable insights into effective speaking, empowering readers to enhance their communication skills. Andrei’s practical tips and real-life examples make this a valuable guide for anyone looking to excel in personal and professional interactions.

“How Highly Effective People Speak” is a game-changer in the realm of communication literature. The author’s expertise shines through as he delivers a well-crafted guide, blending practical advice with motivational anecdotes. The book’s focus on positivity and empowerment makes it a compelling read for those seeking tangible improvements in their communication abilities. Andrei’s unique perspective and emphasis on highly effective strategies set this book apart, making it a must-read for anyone striving for success in their interpersonal relationships and professional endeavors.


Psychology, Communication Skills, Personal Development, Career Success, Self-Help, Success Strategies, Leadership, Effective Speaking, Empowerment, Positive Mindset, Productivity, Inspirational

Introduction: Learn to become a highly effective speaker

How Highly Effective People Speak (2021) is a practical guide to increasing influence through speech. It posits that information should be conveyed as humans are wired to receive it. So an understanding of behavioral economics is essential. By dissecting the personal anecdotes and historical examples shared, you’ll learn the theories and tactics to make your own communication highly effective.

Barack Obama, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill. Political preferences aside, these five men changed the course of history, and they – like all game-changers – had one thing in common: they were highly effective speakers.

We often think of the ability to speak compellingly and charismatically as something we’re either blessed to be born with or doomed to suffer life without. Yet, this isn’t entirely the case.

While it’s true that those who possess the gift of the gab enjoy greater success than those who’d rather lose their left arm than speak in front of a crowd, fluency and eloquence are skills anyone can learn. In fact, the secret behind highly effective communication is rather straightforward: influential speakers convey their messages how humans are wired to receive them. Simply put, they understand the behavioral economics behind how we take in information and, crucially, act as a result. Essentially, it’s only a grasp of a handful of cognitive biases that stands between you and the successful, highly effective speaker you want to be.

In this summary, we’ll cover five of the nine biases Peter Andrei explores in How Highly Effective People Speak: the availability bias, the contrast effect, the zero-risk bias, the halo effect, and attribute substitution.

As we define and break down each cognitive bias, we’ll look at the practical implications each has on making you and your message more compelling and charismatic. We’ll also refer to real-life examples to demonstrate how they’ve been used to considerable effect – again, political leanings aside – throughout history.

While learning to master cognitive biases completely will offer the greatest bang for your buck, becoming proficient at wielding just one will separate you from the pack.

The availability bias

Imagine two people are asked, “How likely are shark attacks?” Instantly, both minds quickly scan their archives for any relevant stored data to inform their response.

The first, remembering a particularly horrific incident they once saw in the news, answers, “Very likely.” The other, not coming across any relevant stored data, responds, “Not at all.” Objectively, the official statistic will rule one more correct than the other – but subjectively, both will believe their memories have steered them correctly.

You see, we vastly overweigh the significance of information we can easily recall. This is called the availability bias.

The availability bias means that even if we’ve encountered an objective statistic on a subject, it will do us little good if we can’t recollect it quickly. Instead, our brains jump to a single – and therefore, inherently limited – example, most likely a vivid or compelling anecdote.

So, what does this mean for effective communication?

You can tap into the power of the availability bias by making your message memorable. Of course, it’s always good to have facts to support your statements but if you want them to have influence, they need to be easily retrievable from the archives of your audience’s minds.

A simple yet potent way to do this is to package information as visual and emotionally arousing stories.

Stories have several key elements, but the main ones to focus on are characters and drama. If you can frame your communication in terms of a protagonist – or “good guy” – versus antagonist – or “bad guy” – do it. People are adept at imagining and understanding this dynamic. Similarly, emphasize the natural conflict in your message where possible. Even as far back as Aristotle, pathos – the emotional charge of a message – has been recognized as one of three essential ingredients in effective rhetoric.

To tie this back to the original example, if you want to make the case that shark attacks are frequent and threatening, communicating a single anecdote in the form of a visual, “emotionally-charged man vs. shark” narrative is significantly more persuasive than presenting a statistic smorgasbord. For better or worse, the availability bias means accessibility often beats accuracy.

The contrast effect

Ronald Reagan’s “A Time for Choosing” speech starts by making some clear distinctions. “You and I are told increasingly we have to choose between a left or right. Well, I’d like to suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There’s only an up or down – [up] man’s old-aged dream, the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order, or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism.” It’s not for nothing that Reagan didn’t just describe the “up” or the “ultimate in individual freedom,” but rather, also included reference to the “down” and the “ant heap of totalitarianism.”

When the subject of a message is presented in stark opposition to another, the contrast effect is at play. It’s a tremendously powerful cognitive bias, but in simple terms, we perceive black as blacker against white than we do if shown black alone.

You might not agree with Reagan or his statements, but it’s hard to argue with his ability to wield the contrast effect throughout his political career.

One way you can hit the contrast effect yourself is by employing the same interplay of antithesis that Reagan’s speech did. “Up” is portrayed against “down,” the “ultimate in individual freedom” against the “ant heap of totalitarianism.” On the other end of the political spectrum, John F. Kennedy did this by opposing “easy” and “hard” when he said, “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” Watch any political debate, and you’ll likely see this cognitive bias weaponized by one side or the other.

Tied to this is clearly outlining alternatives to your recommendation. If you don’t acknowledge other options, your audience may feel the information they’re receiving is partial and, therefore, potentially untrustworthy. But by enumerating the alternatives – and crucially, showing your recommendation far superior to them – your audience will feel they’ve had some autonomy in drawing their conclusions. People will voluntarily leap to embrace Reagan’s “ultimate in individual freedom” if the “ant heap of totalitarianism” is their only alternative.

As with all communication strategies that tap into cognitive biases, the contrast effect can serve bad as readily as good. So it’s extra imperative that positive forces like you are equipped to use it to maximum benevolent effect.

The zero-risk bias

Imagine being offered two investment options: option one has an expected return of $900 with a 100 percent success rate; option two has an expected return of $1,100 with a 90 percent success rate.

While most people will instinctively jump for option one, you know selecting such opportunities based on expected monetary value – or EMV – is best practice, so quickly run the math. The EMV – that is, return multiplied by probability – for option one is $900, but $990 for option two. The zero-risk bias accounts for why most people – albeit not you – fail to appreciate the increased EMV of the second option.

You’ve probably heard humans described as loss-averse. Studies have shown that we experience twice as much suffering from a loss than pleasure from an equal gain. Our wiring is such that we disproportionately favor scenarios with zero risk over scenarios with a chance of uncertainty – even if the latter’s potential upside is significantly larger.

How many products and services have you seen offer a 100 percent money-back guarantee? This is a real-world example of the zero-risk bias in action. Because customers feel they can’t lose, they’ll choose this provider over a cheaper competitor without a guarantee. Yet, this proposition is just as much a win-win for the business. Because the company will attract more, higher-paying clients, they’ll come out ahead too – even if they end up dealing with a greater return rate.

If your message doesn’t lend itself to this kind of guarantee, consider what other pledges you could make. For the most part, it’ll be more realistic to point to ways your audience will experience zero risk than an inevitable outcome, so brainstorm what these might be.

For instance, say you’ve started a new, exciting, ethical investment portfolio you genuinely believe will benefit all parties involved. In this scenario, a 100 percent money-back guarantee wouldn’t make sense and it would be unrealistic to suggest that ROI is assured. But to make your offer distinct and compelling, you’ll need to do something to shore up the associated risk in your prospects’ minds. Here, you could shift their focus and emphasize another risk-free metric. For example, can you underscore the 0 percent chance of transaction failure, being kept on hold for more than five minutes, or investment in nonethical businesses? Although these metrics are secondary to the ultimate return, the zero-risk bias will activate nonetheless. Of course, you don’t want to make promises you can’t keep, but it’s certainly worth foregrounding the ones you can.

The halo effect

Before John F. Kennedy could put an American man on the moon, he had to give the speech that would get him here. And he did, at Rice University in 1962.

What’s striking about this speech – especially the introductory comments – is the abundance of compliments and pleasantries Kennedy litters these first minutes with. He’s only two sentences in when he praises the college “noted for knowledge, in a city noted for progress, in a State noted for strength.” Why did the leader of the nation feel compelled to be so effusive?

When we observe a positive quality in a person or object in our first encounter, our brains tend to assign other – albeit unobserved – positive characteristics to that individual or item, too. This cognitive bias is termed the halo effect in reference to the imaginary “halo” we construct.

The “reverse” halo effect also holds true. If we perceive a person or object to possess negative qualities in our initial introduction, we’ll assign them or it a host of additional negative characteristics. Whether or not these qualities are displayed is beside the point. Our brains will extrapolate anyway.

Put simply, the halo effect means that first impressions play a disproportionate role in subsequent and final impressions. As a result, highly effective speakers ensure their first contact is no less than impressive.

You can do the same by considering the contextual and direct inputs that shape your communication. A contextual input might be the space you select to meet someone or the setting for your video calls. If you’re presenting at a conference, you could arrive early to familiarize yourself with the room and technology, thereby coming across as confident and competent when you take the podium.

Direct inputs include the projection and clarity of your voice, the openness and expressiveness of your body language, and your appearance. Aim for attire slightly above average. Dress less or drastically more professionally than others and you’ll be subject to the reverse halo effect.

Finally, take a leaf from JFK’s book and weave humility and respect into your choice of words and phrasing. You might not be attempting to put a man on the moon but don’t deny yourself the chance to reap equally game-changing outcomes.

Attribute substitution

Here’s a little-known fact: the expression “rule of thumb” originated from a rough measurement to determine whether you were in the radiation zone of an atomic bomb.

Not everyone had a Geiger counter to hand during the Cold War, so the protection offered instead was that if you see a mushroom cloud, extend your arm, thumb up. If your thumb covers the cloud, you’re probably – emphasis on “probably” – okay; if it doesn’t, get out fast.

While the threat of an atomic bomb is, fortunately, less common these days, rules of thumb continue to influence how we make sense of the world. Attribution substitution explains why we rely on these mental heuristics as heavily as we do.

If presented with a complex, cognitively demanding decision, our brains seek to conserve energy by substituting the challenging proposition with a “good enough” stand-in. We then apply the answer to the simpler, less cognitively taxing question to the difficult one.

Interestingly, this cognitive bias also colors our judgment of others, not just judgments of hard-to-ascertain measures like radiation exposure. For instance, it’s generally easier to answer “What do I think of this person?” than “What do I think of their message?”. Call to mind someone you already oppose. How likely are you to agree with what they say? Exactly.

There are a handful of practical implications this bias leads highly effective communicators to.

The first is the importance of presenting a shared worldview to your audience. People gravitate toward those who mirror their thoughts and opinions, so take the time to understand who your listeners are and how they perceive the world. The more you can meet them where they are, the more persuasive your message will seem.

Second, consider ways to tie yourself and your statements to evidence and/or trusted organizations. Verifying and interrogating information is a laborious process, so for the most part, people spare themselves the labor by quickly scanning to see whether sources are cited – reliable or not – and if there’s a connection to a company, institute, or university they recognize – whether a current affiliation or not.

These small additions to your message may seem simple, and in a way, that’s the point. Give your audience as many indicators that your message is important and accurate, and they’ll regard it as such.


Effective communicators understand how humans naturally absorb information – and speak accordingly. Fortunately, anyone can earn this influence through mastery of the theoretical and tactical underpinnings of behavioral economics.

The availability bias, contrast effect, zero-risk bias, halo effect, and attribute substitution are all examples of cognitive biases you can wield for good. Even tapping into one will separate you – and your message – from the pack.

About the Author

Peter Andrei