As a digital marketer, being inclusive is an essential part of making deeper connections with your customers. Inclusive marketing is the practice of improving representation and belonging within the marketing and advertising materials that an organization creates.
In this reading, you’ll discover why inclusive marketing is important and how a company can make inclusion part of their marketing and advertising strategies.
Table of Contents
Why inclusive marketing matters
In digital marketing, the creative choices a company makes can impact how people view themselves and how they view other people. Traditional marketing campaigns often reinforce stereotypes and leave out the perspectives of underrepresented groups of people. Inclusive marketing, on the other hand, seeks to represent a variety of perspectives, particularly those that have been marginalized in the past.
If a company focuses its marketing exclusively on a specific age group, gender, ethnicity, or other identity traits, they’re likely missing out on reaching potential customers. By approaching marketing decisions with a focus on inclusion, a company can positively and authentically market to the diversity that exists in their audience, and the world.
Making inclusive choices and avoiding stereotypes
Digital marketing requires getting to know your audience in a deeper way. With inclusive marketing, you can take this a step further by seeking to understand how parts of your target audience have been excluded, stereotyped, or misrepresented in the past.
Sometimes you might unintentionally overlook certain aspects of diversity, even if you remember to consider others. Here is a list of some identity traits that are helpful to keep in mind when you’re creating marketing or advertising materials for the people you’re trying to reach:
- Race
- Socioeconomic status
- Age
- Ability
- Gender
- Sexual orientation
- Religion
- Geographic location
- Culture
- Political perspective
- Military status
- Languages spoken
Gathering information about your audience’s demographics can help you broaden your perspective. It’s also important to consider the demographics of people who are not currently customers. These people may not use or even know about the products or services your company provides because the company’s marketing efforts haven’t reached them. By understanding their needs and desires, you can find a way to reach this group of people in a way that matters to them.
As an example, at least one billion people in the world live with a disability. If your product or service isn’t accessible to these people, they likely don’t use or even know about your product or service. And if your company’s marketing efforts don’t feature people with disabilities or address their needs, they may not view your company’s products or services as relevant to them.
That’s why it’s important to think deeply about your audience and their needs and to make sure their perspectives and stories are brought to life through the company’s marketing and advertising materials.
Key takeaways
Whether you’re developing marketing goals, researching your target audience, planning a marketing campaign, or analyzing data, keep in mind the principles of inclusive marketing. Maintaining a broader perspective of your audience will help you establish a deeper connection with your customers.
Resources for more information
You can learn more by reading the inclusive marketing guidelines and principles provided by Google.
- Google Inclusive Marketing: Find tools and resources for inclusive marketing.