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Google: Performance Max gets a timely update and Local Services Ads are expanding

Not sure about you, but today’s first update makes us want to reach for the suitcase…

Just in time for summer vacation

Google is rolling out travel goals to Performance Max to help users drive more direct hotel bookings.

Google is rolling out travel goals to Performance Max to help users drive more direct hotel bookings.

The campaign creates ads for multiple formats and channels including Maps, Search, YouTube, and soon-to-be-released Hotel Ads which you can later edit or add more assets.

Also, you can now track campaign performance on the Insights page. Sweet.

Hooray for services

If you weren’t able to use service-specific ads before, we’ve got good news. Google just expanded the feature to more than 70 businesses.

Google just expanded the feature to more than 70 businesses.

This ad type helps you promote your local service at the top of search results in the chosen areas, which could help you get qualified leads and appointments.

You can see the list of all available businesses in the article above.

And now, the fine print

Google updated two ad policies…

Why we care

Local service providers and local hotel businesses got a big boost with these two updates. Maybe you’re one of them?

It will also be interesting to see if Performance Max capabilities translate well to niche ads such as hotels… if you find out before we do, keep us posted.