Jack of all trades, master of none is all well and good… until it comes to your advertising strategy.
Because gone are the days when a brand can invest in Facebook Ads and call it a day.
Today’s economy calls for a more holistic approach to advertising, and that means investing in organic social media, like Instagram Reels.
Let’s talk about why your brand should get on Instagram Reels if it hasn’t already:
- Reels has good reach. Instagram released Reels in response to the growing popularity of TikTok. Since then, Instagram has been prioritizing short form video on the app.
- It’s great for older audiences. Chances are your parents use Reels more than they use TikTok. The app will do great for any brand that has an older target audience.
- It builds more trust. If a customer sees your ad on Facebook and doesn’t find anything about you on Instagram, chances are, they won’t convert. Instagram Reels can serve as an organic way to signal that your product is loved and trusted by your customers.
The good news is, posting on Instagram Reels is free, minus the costs of producing a short-form video.
Expert tip: If an Instagram Reel does well organically, you can throw some ad spend behind it and test it on TikTok too!