Imagine this: You search for your brand on Google and a competitor’s ad pops up right next to yours.
Oh no. “They’re bidding on my keywords,” you think.
So you quickly create a branded search campaign and bid on your brand’s keywords to secure real estate against your competitors.
You’ve fixed the problem… right?
Actually… you might be throwing away your ad dollars on clicks that your competitors aren’t even bidding on.
Before you bid on your brand’s keywords, check your auction insights report first.
Then ask yourself four questions:
- Are your competitor’s ads showing up often alongside your ads? (Overlap rate).
- Are your competitor’s ads regularly showing up above yours? (Position above rate).
- Are your ads mostly showing up above your competitors or appearing when theirs aren’t? (Outranking share).
- Are your competitor’s ads ranking in top positions of the search results? (Top of page rate).
If you answer “No” to most of these questions, running a branded campaign may not be a smart investment for your brand.
Insight: Don’t let a simple Google search dictate your ad strategy. You may be wasting your money.
Do your due diligence first with auction insights and go from there, because your ad dollars might be better spent somewhere else.