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[Google] Foundations of Digital Marketing and E-commerce: Core skills of digital marketing and e-commerce specialists

The skills you will gain from completing the Google Digital Marketing and E-commerce certificate are used in many entry-level digital marketing and e-commerce roles. This reading provides an overview of the topics in the certificate program and matches them to sample job requirements.

Comparison of core skills in different roles

Similar skills are required for roles in digital marketing and e-commerce. However, these skills are often applied in different ways. The following table gives you an idea of how job responsibilities might differ slightly between entry-level roles in digital marketing and e-commerce.

Areas of focus Digital Marketing Coordinator responsibilities E-commerce Analyst responsibilities
Business objectives Identify campaign business objectives Ensure customer interactions align with business objectives
Search engine optimization (SEO) Follow SEO best practices Use SEO to maximize traffic to website
Social media marketing Draft social media copy and obtain approvals Ensure social media ads increase traffic to website
Email marketing Execute and monitor email campaigns Ensure email ads generate desired results on website
Marketing analytics Analyze data from marketing campaigns Analyze data from website or mobile app
Content design and copywriting Assign content development and track progress Edit content on website
Loyalty programs Monitor activities of returning customers Execute and monitor loyalty programs

Key takeaway

Many career counselors recommend that you customize your resume for each job you apply for so that your experience and skills align as closely as possible with the job description.