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TikTok: You’re next, search ads

Ever seen the claims about how people use TikTok as a search engine? Well, the app has been listening.

And now, TikTok is putting on goggles and diving into the search ad market.

Somewhere between Google and Microsoft

Advertisers will be able to bid to keywords and phrases just like on Bing or Google, but with a twist.

Because you can already segment users based on their interests, behavior, and demographics, TikTok’s algorithm offers laser pointer potential.

… And if you need more signs

TikTok launched a Keyword Insights element in the Creative Center.

This could help you browse relevant keywords by volume and click-through rate. It’s all coming together…

One small problem

There’s still the issue of a potential US TikTok ban. Now FBI Director Christopher Wray is raising the alarm, claiming the app “screams” of security concerns.

Meaning the further restrictions on the platform in the US could be possible – and soon.

Why we care

TikTok’s ambitious jump into the search market is interesting, and could provide a completely new PPC experience compared to “traditional” search engines.

There’s a ton of potential here for brands that need to reach younger demographics.

… But if the US government decides to ban TikTok, it could also be too little, too late, especially if other nations follow suit. Build cautiously, and keep your eyes open.